A phantom pain around my mark snaked across my shoulder blade as I listened to him.

I looked up at the sky, trying to grab hold of and formulate at least one of the thoughts that were storming around in my brain.

"If my tether to Lucas is best kept secret. How come your Mother knows?" I kept my voice light and my eyes looked steadily but softly on him.

"If she and Dad didn't know, they might send some of our men to kill him. We're in competition for the throne after all," he said matter of fact tone.

I felt a coldness seep in through my bones. Anastasia and Jasper they are so sweet. How could they do something like that?

"It's the way our world works Cara," he grabbed my hand as if he could read my mind.

"I don't like the way things are but at least I'm being realistic and doing what I can to keep you safe."

I nodded my head, "I know you don't want to be king. Can't you just tell them?"

Taylor shook his head softly, "It doesn't matter anymore Cara. Because I have sworn my oath to you, technically I can't become king anyway."

He smiled at his statement, as if he had discovered a clever loophole out of his predicament. The obvious flaw in that statement hung between us, unspoken in the air.

"Come on, let's go find you a room."


The sunshine forced my eyes to open and instantly I felt disoriented. My mind started questioning why I was in this huge, fancy, unfamiliar room before all of the events from yesterday came crashing back into my mind. I crawled out the bed, the white bed linen were so crisp and inviting I could have easily fallen back asleep. I had a lump in my stomach as I looked around the room, high ceilings, beautiful furniture and polished wood floors. My eyes focused on my handbag, my arms pulling up the long sleeves on my borrowed pyjamas. My hands slipped into the bad and closed around my phone. I looked down and spotted a text from Matthew.

"Hey. How's everything with you?" He was far too polite to text and ask why I hadn't come home yesterday but I knew he would have noticed.

"I've got a job in west London for the next couple of days, so I'm staying at Lucas' place. I thought I mentioned it? Have a good day at work."

I bit my lip as I pressed send, given that Matthew thought Lucas was my boyfriend it seemed like a plausible lie. Surely the threat will die down in a day or so and I can get back home? A knock on the door brought me back to reality.


Taylor poked his head around the door, "You up?"

He walked in and sat down on the bed and I dropped my phone back in the bag.

"Matthew?" he raised an eyebrow as he looked at me.

I nodded my head and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Yeah, I told him I was staying at Lucas' for a couple of days."

Taylor twitched slightly but smiled gently, "That's probably a good idea. I assume he thinks Lucas is your boyfriend?"

"I didn't come up with it, he did. I just went along with it because otherwise how would I explain him always hanging around me?" I felt the words stream out quickly, as I felt a surprisingly strong need to defended myself.

Taylor nodded gently, "Anyways, I came to see what you need from your flat? We're having some of our men go over and get it when Matthew's at work."

Magic's MarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora