Okay wow guys--- || Art rant ||

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Art theifs. They like need to get a life tbh. They need to express thEIR OWN ART TALENT OTHER THAN STEALING OTHERS.

It is not right. It illeagal. Its called Plagirism ( if I spelled that correctly ).
You need to be creative guys! Its not right to steal others things!
What I don't get is why these people have super bad grammar.
I am not that kind of person who go all Grammar Nazi on a person because of how they speak/comment. But this is like going so far. Typos everywhere and like they need to take a grammar class tbfh.

I feel bad for the people who had to expirence that kind of thing but I hope that doesn't happen to me or anybody else! ^^

◊ Art Trash ◊Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora