7 || Heal the Soul

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"What is your news so far?" Mother asks me, looking at me with an intimadating face. The way her arms were crossed, and the way she looked at me with such a dissaproving glare, made my stomach swerve.

I was back for the weekend, because I have yet to find a place to stay. When I did come back, I was greeted by another snake. Not as bad as the previous one, but still. Home sweet home.

"I-I couldn't tell," I say timidly, afraid that she would lash out at me. I know that she was not in a good mood, because she was somehow reading my thoughts the whole time. How, I'm not sure. But I knew that the answer was unpleasant.

She glares her evil, yellow-eyed glare, and I cower.

"Couldn't tell?" she asks, voice deadly calm. "Why, might I ask you, could you not tell?"

I didn't look up from my feet. Fear was mounting within my heart, and mind, and I found it hard to breathe. I know for sure that I was about to be punished. But do I deserve this one? Did I deserve any of them at all?

"I-I don't know..." I whisper, voice cracking.

Mother leers at me, glower full of needles. Her snake-like soul sometimes had this effect on other people. The effect of cold intimidation.

"Well, lets have you go and think about it!" And she grabs my wrist, gripping it so tightly that I feel it begin to pull. She drags me down the hallway without a thought of her daughter getting hurt.

"Your brother can't save you now!" she yells manically, and throws me into a dark room. Is this woman really even my Mother?

Who knows what's lurking around this dark room? This very second? I land on the cold floor, heart racing and clutching my wrist.

"I'll be back to let you out when it's school time," Mother hisses. "In the meanwhile, reflect on how you'll get some info for me as you writhe in pain!"

She slams the door shut. Fear creeps up in my mind. Here I was, back in the room of tortures. I could feel something cold slithering up my body. I brace myself for a bite, knowing it would come sooner or later. The snake picks sooner.

Pain shoots up my leg. There it is. The burning agony I was anticipating this whole time. But, judging how angry Mother looked when she threw me in here, the venom is going to be much worse than the bite. Another sharp pain shoots up both my arms. I gasp.

Then I feel one on my neck. That one drew out the most blood. I could feel warm fluid gushing down my back and into my clothing. The pain was unbelievable. Info...she wants me to think about info...

I recall Shinigami-Sama telling me something earlier. Something about not lurking in the basement. Does that mean, that there's some sort of secret down there?

Stupid child, Mother's voice echoes in my head again. Of course it means something! Because you have had the decency to think this far, I'll allow a small reward. But I will also continue the punishment.

Wait, how do you reward your daughter while she's getting punished? I realize the answer when the snake slithers off my body, leaving me to bleed alone. In the dark. With fear and doubt plaguing my very mind.

I can't see how that was in the least bit rewarding, though I was still alive. I am glad I am alive. Sadly, I am just realizing this now. But it's not too late. I will make it out of here.

But...what is that? A tall, slender, shadowy figure was swimming in the blurry screen of my vision. Big Brother?

He begins to walk towards me, face pale and angry. His eyes were sharp. His fists, ready to punch.

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