Addie's past

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After I saw that Toby was the one that helped pull me off that guy I was looking for Ben when suddenly slender teloported infront of me
"Child I would like you to explain your past at dinner and no rejections"
His words were very strict so I listened to him and just looked down at my feet embarrassed and afraid about telling these strangers I don't know about my past but I had to if I wanted to keep Adam out of danger I was 11 when my dad died and Adam was little but that's enough about my past well at least till dinner I just noticed I was spacing out because Adam was jumping in my face and trying to get me out my little trance
"Sissy guess what!"he sounded happy I bend down and whisper "what?"in his ear
"Well Ben likes video games too and he's really Nice said he will help me get better at games!"
"That's cool Adam if you need me I right next-door don't get into any trouble!"I whisper and I walk inside my *new* room I sit on the floor until I hear the door open and Tony walks in
"S-slender say-y-s it's ti-ime for din-n-ner!"he says stuttering I nod not wanting to talk I go down stairs to the dininroom of course with Toby showing me the way when I got in the room I saw.......
Slender, jeff, a boy with a girlish mask and brown hair, a boy with no eyes black goo and a blue and black mask,the boy Adam called ben, a red husky, a girl with black curly hair and a mask, a boy in a hoodie with red eyes and a stitched smile plus more people
"Child tell us about your past!"
Slenderp spoke
"I'm Addison but I can be called Addie I was born to a loving family my when I was 7 my mom would cheat on my dad but that stopped when he got sick but at age 8 my dad would start playing games mostly a game called evil vs good I was the evil person I asked him what should be my and he said murderous love I then came up with  the catch phrase love kills so I will go ahead and give you mercy when I was 11 my dad died from a suicide yet I didn't believe it he was filing divorce on my mom and she didn't want to go broke so she killed him my dad died and a few days later Adam was born before I promised that I would protect Adam in anyway I can my mom started to abuse me not abusing Adam because he was a baby only a few years old when I was 12 I started getting bullied it started out small with name calling then it got to cyber bullying then it went to physical then to sexual I didn't say anything cuz I didn't want to sound like a wimp when I was 13 there wasn't much of a change except I fell in love with someone named liu then one day he went missing I still haven't seen him nor his brother I got really depressed and started hearing voices in my head and I started seeing things my teachers noticed and I was taken to a mental hospital at 14 at age 15 I came back to the house to see Adam all scratched and bruises up I lost control and fell to the ground crying I took Adam and I started walking to the front door my mom stabbed me in my back she asked me where I was going with Adam and then I was taken to the hospital due to Adams screams that woke the neighbors I came home and dealt with the hell and stood my ground to stop the abuse on Adam and then a few months after my 16th birthday me and Adam killed out mom and we ran into the woods to do find you guys!"I said holding back tears
"Child calm down and eat don't cry."
He said sweetly
"You calm down and eat you faceless bastard don't ask me to tell you about my fucking past and when I get a little teary eyed you tell me to eat I don't want this fucking food!" I screamed and the my food on him and grabbed Adam......

See what happened in the next chapter lie you guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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