no choice

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*Adams p.o.v*
I woke up I'm a unfimaliar room my heart raced where's my beloved sissy? is she hurt did they or him or her or god knows what kill her? as these questions kept popping I'm my mind I hear my sister it sounds like she's yelling she's not much of a talker
"Get the fuck away where's Adam!" She screams I walk towards the door stupid why didn't they tie me down I stop at the door to breath and calm down

*Addie p.o.v*
After the strange boy who has the same face style like me asked me a question and I didn't respond cuz I'm not a talker he started walking toward me I scream/yell "get the fuck away where's Adam!"the boy was taken back by this and step back a little I calmed myself down then I heard a scream I never wanted nor planned to hear "Adam!"I screamed tuning out the door

*Adams p.o.v*
I walked out the door following the direction my sissy's voice was heard as I was going to the hall I got pushed down by something I looked up and saw a man with dark black Raven hair like my sissy's but the think that scared me was his pale skin with a smile carved into his skin he got on me and said
"Go to sleep!"his voice was raspy and it scared me so I screamed and after that my sissy came out like the badbutt she is!

*Addie's p.o.v*
I see a man on Adam I push the very white man of Adam and I don't have NY dagger back do I got to fight with my hands while he gets a knife I can't show fear or he will take me down easily he swings his knife at me and I doge it luckily I stand up and punch him taking him back but he goes to Stab me but I grab his wrist and dig my nails into his wrist and as soon as he was going to let go and I was going to finish him off this figure that had a all white face tentacles and is dressed in a suit spears Adam screams and starts to cry while I stand my ground Adam still cry's so I hold him up
"Jeff  you may not do this to the new members of the family go to your room!"his voice boomed Adam clings onto me for dear life I just hug him back not wanting to ever let go the thing turns to me
"You and your brother will stay hear because you killed your mother and there's something about you that's makes me keep you alive so until we get you a room you and toby will share a room and Adam and Ben will share a room there right next to each other so don't worry and if you reject then we'll kill you both!"jeez that's harsh
"Fine but that's only because I care about Adams life and future!"

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