chapter 1

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"Addie get your fucking lazy ass up or youll be late, you dumb bitch i call daughter."my *mother* called. "ok, ok im getting up give me five damn seconds geez it only 5:00 in the morning how much did you drink this time!" i screamed
is all i heard and i knew what it ment....MY *mother* was trying to get up the fucking steps and i was going to get a beating for talking shit to her she came up the steps and i tried to lock my door but i relized what do i lock it with She came up and i got my daliy beating one hard hit after another then she left to go to bed and boy am i glad she didnt do the same to my 7 year old brother adam i love him so much and if anyone hurt him i would kill them. I we to the bathroom wiped my face off put my hair in a high pony tail brushed my teeth put on my black goggles and black mouth gaurd...Then i went to my room put on my black skinny jeans my green long sleve shirt and then my white hoodie just to make sure the cuts dont bleed thru for my shoes i put on my black convers. I went to my brothers room and i shook him
"Adam wake up"i said
"addie what are you doing its 5:00 am on saturday!"He said sleepily
"well im runing away are you coming with me?"i asked scared he would say no
"of corse but well have to take care of mom first."he said and i know just what he ment by that

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