Chapter Four

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  Connor in chapter photo^^
Real Name: Colby Brock
He had set me gently set me on the bench and I got to see who it was, but he had walked back to grab something, a skateboard. I quickly caught a glimpse of this back under the street light, I noticed the guy from behind, he was the guy from the beginning of Johns party that left before the drinking ever started. He turns around but he was still to far to see his face. He shyly walks back with a small chuckle "Sorry I fell and right before I got up, you've seem to have tripped over me." He said sitting next to me on the bench exposing his face. Soft, warm, and welcoming. He was a fine tall boy with long shaggy brown hair and light blue eyes with a shy handsome smile to bring it all together. "It's alright. I heard you fall, and I was coming to see if you're okay but I forgot my glasses at my friends house so I couldn't see you. So I'm sorry." I say slightly rubbing the top of my head. "It's alright no worries. Are you sure you're alright?" He asks glancing at my head "yeah, no I'm fine. I just hope I didn't hurt you. I didn't did I?" I ask touching his shoulder  "oh no. I'm great!" He says a little happier then he meant, but shyly took it back,I laugh and say "oh okay good" he nods then quickly changed the subject "so uh why are you wondering around this old skatepark so late anyways?" He asks "oh uh I was at my friends party not really the drinking or partying type." I was leaning back on the bench looking up at the stars. "Oh you were at Johns party?" He asks "mhmm" I mummer in response closing my eyes "oh cool, and yeah I understand what you mean I'm not really that type either" he says leaning back to join me. We sat in silence till a few minutes later when he decided to break the silence "I'm Connor, by the way,"he says reaching his hand out ",Connor Adams." he finishes "Jade Julie" I respond shaking his hand "Nice to meet you Jade. And nice outfit" he says lowering his eyes with a slight chuckle  "oh haha thanks. This isn't me though." I say referring to my outfit "isn't you? Then who is Jade Julie" he says sitting up showing interest. Slowly sitting up I respond "uhh well, Im this shy insecure girl who no one ever notices or shows in interest in, and this," I say gesturing at my clothing ", this is not me. This used to be a nice pair of skinny jeans now they're slutty shorts and this used to be my favorite shirt but now it's barely a shirt at all. My friend Mira is the only reason for this, she wanted me to slut it up with her tonight." I say looking down. He was silent and just when I started to feel embarrassed he softly says "I'm interested in you," I look up with a slight smile ",and not just for your image." He finishes, I was silent unsure of what to say "why?" was all that I could manage. "Well, you clearly aren't like other girls, and you seem to have a story behind you which I'm interested in, a mystery I'd like to solve, and you are unbelievably gorgeous," he says but then quickly adding ",and not just because your clothing" he says quietly rubbing the back of his neck observing me. "wow, that may have been the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." I say not knowing how else to respond. His words filled my stomach with knots and made my chest heavy but the good heavy. He smiles and says "I'm glad I got the privilege to tell you then,"  he then pulls out his phone and says "So do you think I could possibly get your number. I mean if that isn't weird. You don't have to if y-" "Of course" I say quietly  cutting him off slowly removing his phone out of his hands. This feels like a dream, I don't want to wake up. I add my contact and hand him his phone back. "Thanks" he says smiling at the phone. "So tell me about you." I say turning to face him. "There isn't much to know. I just moved here from California because my uncle got a job out here. I've lived in California my entire life so this is pretty new to me. My mom died giving birth to me and my dad left when I was twelve so I've been raised by my uncle Steve. John was the first person I met here. I met him two days ago when I moved into the house next door to him? I'm just an average seventeen year old boy. Not popular but not completely at the bottom of the food chain. I'm not shy but I'm not overly outgoing to the point where it's obnoxious, I don't think. I hope not," he trails off for a second with a straight face, which Im assuming is his thinking face, then he quickly smiles and says " Oh and I like pop tarts" he finishes with a laugh. "Oh well that's a lot, good to know." I reply "Yup, I'm an open book you can ask me anything and I'll tell you the truth I have nothing to hide." He says standing up reaching his hand out to me. "What?" I ask grabbing his hand, he says nothing. "wait what are we doing?" I ask as he drags me along behind to follow him. He kept silent so I just followed anyway. We then reach Johns house but keep walking past, to the house next door. "My uncle isn't home he went to work and won't be back until morning. I just figured you were getting cold and didn't want to go back to that party. You don't have to stay if you don't want to I understand." He says as we walk up to the front porch. I hesitate for a minute but give in "uh yeah sure, for a little while, I don't see why not." We enter his house empty with all except moving boxes and candles. "Oh sorry our electricity isn't turned on yet so we have to use these for light" he says holing up a candle to light it. "Oh I don't mind I like the dark a little more anyway. Just don't murder me tonight please." I say with a giggle watching him light up the hallway, he looks up with a smile "fine I guess I'll wait till another night." He says continuing down the hallway till he walked into a room to light candles in there. Unknowing what to do I follow him, I reach the door he just entered just to see him sitting on a bed lighting the last candle. He looks up and says " come on in, have a seat" I hesitate then slowly walk into the room. "Don't worry, I'd never take advantage of a girl if she didn't show or say she wanted me too. You can trust me." With that I let out a quiet breath or relief then sit on the bed beside him.

Not many people know this, just my mom and Mira. I was rapped when I was coming home from a football game when I was sixteen. The guy pulled me behind the bleachers right as I was about to exit the field. He did a lot to me d made me do a lot, I won't go into detail but it was the longest ten minutes of my life. He's in jail now, after I ran to Mira's and we called the cops. I've never slept with anyone, and I don't count that. I've been molested twice too, by two of my old close friends. That was a few months ago though, only Mira knows about that. She insisted I tell someone but I couldn't find the will to tell anyone besides her. So I kept it a secret.

Connor then he stands from the bed and walks over to a box and starts going through it. "Here, you must be freezing" he says handing me a hoodie "thank you" I say grabbing the hoodie from him, praying to god in my head it fits to avoid embarrassment about my size. As I put the hoodie on which lucky fit perfectly, he sits on the bed next to me. "So this is my room! Nothing much but we are still in the moving process" he says pointing to a few boxes stacked on top of each other with a flashlight "yeah I can see that" I say looking at him. "You have beautiful eyes," he effortlessly says studying my eyes. "Thanks" I blush looking away. ", oh my god that was creepy I'm so sorry" he says shaking his head in his hands  "No, it's fine. You have really pretty eyes too." I say shyly then quickly covering my mouth. I can't believe I actually said that out loud. "Thanks" he says smiling, giving me a sudden feeling of relief.c
  After a few hours of us talking I look at my phone to check the time. "Oh god it's already three in the morning. I think I should get back before my friends start to worry about me and where I am" I stay standing up from Connors bed looking down at him. "Oh right, okay" he says standing to join me. I walk over and open his bedroom door to let in a slight breeze to burn out the three candles in his room that weren't really doing much good on keeping the room light up with light. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to burn those o-" I say but is interrupted by his hand slid around my waist I look down "oh right  you probably want this back" I say slightly pulling up the hoodie to take it off, and then it hit me, his hand was still there. I then look up, and then a kiss, warm and genial then quickly started to work up in speed as he relished I was allowing it to happen, we worked our way to the bed then he stops and says "oh right, sorry you should probably be getting back now." Sitting up from on top of me "I think they can wait" I whisper kissing him again.
What do you guys think!? I don't know how I'm doing so far. Please comment what you think. Please don't forget to vote if you do like this. Thank you guys who are still reading this. I hope to get as many readers on this story as my other stories. Thank you to the readers that are still here.  
-Stay beautiful
-Stay pure
-Stay strong!!

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