Cliche #14: It All Turns Out To Be A Dream

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Donald Trump is the next president of the United States Of America.

My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly. I was breathing heavily, so heavy that I have to desperately take gulps of air. It was just a dream. I thought while chuckling to myself.

After putting some clothes on, I walked out of my dorm and went to the Residence Hall Lobby. I greeted one of my friends that was chilling on one of the many  tacky couches. I let out a sigh as I plopped down next to them.

"I had the weirdest fucking dream." I shook my head in disbelief.

"What was it about man?"

"Well, I dreamt that a Dorito became president." I was waiting for my friend to join my laughter but it was just silence.

"The_Akward_Silence....Trump did-"

"WOOHOO TRUMP 2016!" I covered my ears because of an obnoxious blow horn. It all happened in slow motion where a group of white male college students march down the hallway wearing the American flag as a cape and shouting the Doritos name from the top of their lungs. And then there was me. I was screaming in horror because my nightmare became a reality.

I opened my eyes and sat up quickly. I quickly checked my phone to see that Clinton won and that she would be the first woman president.

"Wow, that was a close one. I thought that America actually chose Trump for president. I mean they would have to be completely idiotic to vote for him." I laughed and went back to a more peaceful sleep.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IF ONLY THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED! Yeah, I did this as my perspective cause well it's more relevant to me than um...any of my characters? Mainly cause I'm Black....part of the LGBT Community....and that I'm a college student....OH YEAH! IM FINALLY IN COLLEGE WHOOP WHOOP! AAAAND it's fucking amazing like holy shit I love college 😩. Yeah so I thought I would put humor to this situation cause all you CAN do is really hard...and hopefully you'll break something and never wake up...AHEM yeah anyways that's how my life is going right now and for those who doesn't think that it gets better holy shit it does like seriously. Like college boosted my confidence and I got new friends and like....*whispers*Im an extrovert *gasp* I KNOW RIGHT?? And like...*whispers* People find me really attractive...*gasp* I KNOW LIKE WHAT THE FUDGE BUNNY??? And my grades are awesome and I'm havin an awesome time and so yeah if your high school life is shit, then wait until college cause it's gonna be an amazing ride 😎

P.S. Don't know when that next chapter is coming out tho....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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