Musos In Love - Chapter 2 Part 1

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Chapter 2

"Uh, right. Look, I'm sorry but I don't even know my number. And really there's no point in giving it to you, it's pretty clear that we come from completely different groups." I said, quietly and quickly.

He looked up into my eyes, and let his eyes jade green eyes bore into my own. I quickly ducked my head, my cheeks betraying me with the incriminating red smattered across them. He simply stood, and said "Oh well, a guy can try."

He walked silently out of the hallway. I stared after him. Great! I thought, Jeez, Evie here for 20 minutes and you have already turned down the hottest guy ever, AND embarrassed yourself. I got up off the floor and looked around, crap. Not only did I have a bump on my head but I also didn't have a guide around school. I followed the course of the hallway, only to be stopped by the 'barbie dolls'.

"Hi, you're like the new girl, rightttttt?" She said stupidly.

"Uh, yes, I think so." I said.

"Oh Em Gee! You rejected Kelen rightttttttt?" Oh Em Gee? Was she serious, and I swear if she says rightttttttttt again I may impale myself on the nearest sharp object. Wait, Kelen. That must of been the guy who got my up off the floor, I immediately felt bad. Whoops, maybe I did reject him, I didn't mean too.

"Rejected? I wouldn't say tha-"

"Well, I would." She interrupted me. Gah, I can tell this chick and I will not get along. "Well, I'm Kaici " (A.N Pronounced Kay-cee) She said, then pointing to the bottle blonde next to her she said "And this is Kayla" Kayla proceeded to smile, and then Kaici pointed to the platinum blonde with ringlets next to her, "And this hottie is Briella." (A.N. Thats pronounced Bree-ella)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2010 ⏰

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