LCD Part 3

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If you were being honest with yourself. You were a terrible person. Although Justin was using and cheating on you, you were just as much in the wrong as he was. You were doing the exact same things.

Being his fiance kept you at the top and always having first pick. You were using him and cheating on him.

You didnt feel bad about it though. He deserved it. To namjoon on the other hand you felt extremly quilty. You didnt even remember how he got pulled into this.

Every since the dinner you hadnt talked to him in over a week but when you called or texted he didnt reply. You would be lying if you said you didnt miss him.

You decided to go to his house. This was all your fault and you knew it but you wanted him to tell you that it wasnt even if he was lying to you.

"Namjoon, open the door!" You yelled knocking for the 3rd time now.

You were about to knock on the door when the door flung open. Namjoon had blood on his knuckles, a bruise on one side of his face and a scratch on the other cheek.

"You dont want to be here right now" he mumbled

"What!? Namjoon what happened to your face" you pushed your way into his house and you instantly regretted it.

"Justin?" You asked in total suprise

He was standing in the room with a bloody nose. He starts to laugh before pushing you agaisnt the wall.

"You little bitch! Your always embarrassing me. Why cant you just listen for once?" He growled

"Dont touch her!" Namjoon pulled him off of you.

"You stay out of this. This has nothing to do with you." He said yanking himself out of namjoons grip.

"I wont let you disrespect her like that."

"What i do with her is none of your business."

"Bre, get up! Were leaving." You obidiently got up and followed behind Justin.

"You," he pointed at namjoon "dont forget what we talked about"

Your eyes instantly diverted to namjoon, what had they been talking about? What did he tell him? Did he threaten him? Namjoon rolled his eyes at you and looked away. You hated to see him hurt. You hated even more that you were the reason he was hurting.

"Get in the car." Justin said opening the door

"I dont want to go with you. I can take myself" you said pulling your arm away from him

"Bre, get in the car."

"No! I just need a minute. I'll meet you at home."

You had finally worked up the courage to knock on Namjoons door. You didnt know if he had cooled down or not but you really had to see him.

The door swung open again and he had the same bruises. "I knew you would be back" he said walking away and leaving you to close the door.

"Im sorry," You said sitting next to him on the couch. "Look at your face."

You get up from the couch to get some stuff to clean and care for his wounds.

"It might hurt a bit" you said standing in between his legs and sitting the achohal and band aids on the end table. He placed his hands on your waist bracing for the pain. You pour a bit of alcohol on his wound and he didnt say anything to you but you feel his grip tighten around you.

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