It's too late to apologize

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Two days after I woke up I am out of the hospital wing.After getting dressed I head down to breakfast.Ron is sat isolated all on his own looking in a book and then scribbling out something on a long scroll of paper.He must be doing his homework.I walk slowly over to him.Then a hush falls on the Great Hall.I hear whispers of my name ad Malfoys too then as I cross over to the Gryffindor table I only get every other word like "Blood everywhere","Critically I'll" and "Almost died yesterday".At a wild guess I would say everyone is talking about what happened last week with me and Malfoy.Eurgh that sounds weird and creepy; "Me and Malfoy".I sit down next to Ron and he says without looking up "Ginny I'm really not in the mood for another argument so just quit it while your ahead"

"You and Ginny have been arguing ?" I say giving him a questioning look.He notice my voice and looks up sharply.I scoot my bum further down the bench towards him.He smiles at me making me moan internally.He had got amazingly more attractive through the summer.I lean forward and peck his lips which are warm and seem to make me feel like I'm on cloud yet his lips are slightly hard and not soft.We pull away from each each other as red as his hair as several wolf whistles are heard from further down the table.Embarresed I look arounto see who is looking at us. Many Gryffindors, few Rave claws and very little Hufflepuffs. My eyes end up drifting to the Slytherin table and I catch silvery grey eyes looking at me, softly almost as if they are in a daze. When they see me looking at them their pupils dilate an eyelids go wide around the eyes themselves.Uh oh. I realise what has happened. I have looked across the room and stared at Malfoy who was initially staring at me and we have both been snapped out of this daze by a distraction on our own table.Ron is staring at me the same as Ginny and Harry ? Huh ? When did they get here ? "Well ?" Ron says looking impatient. "What ?" I say not hearing word he said.Again."I said what happened in the storeroom?" He says slightly annoyed.


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