Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

  Lovino paced the hall outside the meeting room. They had been having a lot of world meetings lately. Each one having one topic, how to get Feliciano out of the underworld. Well that was the main topic anyway. There was always the usual fighting that seemed to bring up other topics as well.

  Lovino was pacing the hall because he needed a break from everyone who was in the meeting room. They were getting nothing done and Lovino felt as if he was about to snap. It was his brother, his husband, that was down there. He needed out of there. But no one would focus long enough to help figure out a way.

  "Lovi?" Antonio questioned as he stood near by. Antonio didn't want to get to close to the Italian in case he ended up snapping at him. But Lovino ended up snapping at him just a little bit anyway.

  "What is it, bastard?" Lovino said. He didn't have to worry about using the word bastard since his children weren't there. They were with Hungary back home. None of the countries wanted them to know that Feliciano was stuck in hell.

  "I just came to see if you're okay, amigo." Antonio said taking a step towards the other. He was going to attempt to calm the other. Something none of the other countries wouldn't attempt to do.

  Lovino glared at the other slightly. "How am I supposed to be okay when I know Feli is still in hell? I don't know what that stupid God  has done to him. Not to mention he's pregnant down there!"

  "I'm sure he's fine, Lovi." Antonio said, stepping close enough to put a hand on the others shoulder. Lovino just jerked slightly making the others hand fall. He wasn't in the best mood for physical contact.

  "And how would you know that? It's not like you're able to check on him you stupid tomato eater." Lovino said turning away from Antonio. He was biting his lip, trying to get his emotions under control.

  "I know I'm not. But Feliciano is stronger than he seems. He's been through a lot by himself. He'll make it through this Lovi." Antonio said putting his hand on the others shoulder again.

  This time Lovino didn't brush it off. He didn't say anything, just glared at the floor. He hated the fact he couldn't do anything to help Feli. Not to mention the fact of him being alone down there as well.

  "He's okay, Lovi. I promise." Antonio spoke up. "Same with the baby."

  Lovino scoffed slightly. "I want to believe you bastard, but I can't. Not until I see he's okay for myself."

  Antonio was a bit shocked by the others honestly but hid his shock quickly. "So you think he's hurt?" Antonio asked in the slightest bit of confusion.

  Lovino shook his head. "I just don't know. I can't tell if the idiot is hurt or okay until I see him." Lovino said. The only reason he was calling Feliciano an idiot was because of making the decision of staying in the underworld in the first place.

   "Oh." Antonio said. "But try and think positive, Lovi. I'm sure he would want you to."

  "Easy for you to say, you bastard." Lovino grumbled. He crossed his arms over his chest, still looking at the floor. He was stuck wondering why he couldn't have been the one stuck in the underworld instead.

  It was then that Antonio wrapped his arms around Lovino, giving him a hug. Lovino went to protest and push the other away but something stopped him. Maybe it was the lack of physical contact from someone who could actually wrap their arms around him like that. He didn't know for sure, all he knew was he couldn't make himself push the other away.

  "This means nothing, tomato bastard." Lovino said. He refused to look at Antonio. He didn't want to see the look on the others face. He knew he would be smiling a bit, trying to comfort him.

  "Of course Lovi." Antonio said. But to Antonio it did mean something. It was him getting the chance to comfort Lovino when he needed it. It meant that their friendship was still there. Antonio didn't know when or why, but he had started to doubt that at one time.

  Lovino wouldn't admit it either but the hug did mean something to him as well. Not that he was falling for Antonio, but that Antonio would always be there if he needed someone. Antonio always was and in that moment Lovino knew he would be. This friendship they had wouldn't just go away like so many friendships seemed to do these days.

🇮🇹 ❤️ 🇮🇹

  Lovino trudged into the house feeling defeated. They had gotten nothing figured out during the meeting. Lovino shouldn't have been surprised at that. When did they ever get stuff done at world meetings?

  "Dad!" Alesa squealed happily when she saw Lovino. She ran up and hugged his leg. She was happy that Lovino was back.

  "Ciao babina." Lovino said picking Alesa up. She smiled happily and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck in a hug. Alesa wouldn't admit it, but she had been sitting by the window waiting for Lovino to come home. She was afraid that he wouldn't come home like Feliciano.

  "How has your day been dad?" Alesa asked looking up at Lovino. She noticed how tired he looked but decided not to comment on it.

  "Better now that I'm home babina." He said carrying her into the living room where Elizabeta was with the twins. When the twins saw Lovino they both got up and ran towards Lovino. Carter hugged one leg and Axel hugged the other.

  Lovino then put Alesa down and bent down to hug Carter and Axel. Alesa didn't go too far from Lovino, still afraid he might end up leaving. She wouldn't admit that to anyone though. Not even Lovino.

  "Grazie Elizabeta." Lovino said looking over at the female nation. She just smiled and said that it was no problem and that she would be willing to take care of the children anytime. For that Lovino was thankful. He had more of a chance on finding out a way to being Feliciano back that way.

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