Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

  I held Lovino's hand tightly as we went to meet Vladimir and everyone else. The streets of Athens were actually were a lot like Rome. Not a lot of space, although there were some wide streets too. The older the building, the most likely it was to be made out of marble. But the more modern buildings were like any you could find in say America.

  Heracles ended up leading us to some of the old ruins because the magic trio had said it might be the easiest to create the portal there. Which I guess, in a way it made sense. It would have more of a connection to the old Gods considering it was build around the same time the people took and worshiped them more seriously. The time when it was said the Gods would sometimes actually talk with mortals.

  "So how is this supposed to work?" Gilbert asked a bit impatiently. He was so eager to go into the underworld. Yes it would get Ludwig and the other dissolved nations back, but it was the Underworld. It was supposed to be dark, scary, hot and deadly. Literally.

  "Patients." Arthur said shooting Gilbert a glare. He hated being rushed. Even if he was trying to rush. He wanted to get Alfred back, just as badly as Gilbert wanted Ludwig back.

  "Sí. But it's all over now." I said as Alesa squealed slightly. She put the teddybear on the table before playing with my fingers. Also playing with the wedding ring on my finger.

  "You have a point there." Gupta said, bringing me back to the current time. I smiled at him with a closed eyed smile. "Or lets at least hope it's over."

  "What do you mean?" I asked Gupta. Why wouldn't this all be over? Lovino was back. That should be the end.

  "Well we don't actually know if it's the end. You're the first to do a lot of things Feliciano. You were the first to bring back a dissolved nation. Not to mention the first nation to bare a child as well." Gupta told me.

  My conversation I had with Gupta - when I told him all I had been through to get Lovino back - surfaced in my mind as we waited for the Magic Trio to open the portal. It had been a while ago. Six whole years. It wasn't that long for a country but it had been long enough ago that I didn't really think about it much. Not until now.

  Did Gupta know more nations were going to dissolve? He couldn't have. He would have at least told someone. I was sure of that.

  But the fact that it wasn't over and the words he had said, made me feel guilty. Was it my fault like so many nations' said? Maybe it was. But that's why I was here, to help get back the dissolved, once again.

  My gaze snapped up when Lovino nudged me in the ribs with his elbow. I hadn't even realized I had zoned out until then. In the time I wasn't paying attention, the Magic Trio had a portal opened. They looked at us, and I could tell they had just opened it.

  "Alright everyone, step on to the triangular hole." Vladimir said. He was one of the points for the triangle. Each member of the Magic Trio was a point. Looking at them like that, I knew none of them would be coming with us.

  Emil was the first person to step on the triangle. But he didn't sink into the ground like I thought he would. Neither did Tino or Berwald. Did the portal not work?

  "What?" Tino asked, his voice showing the shock I felt. In the corner of my eye I saw Gilbert roll his eyes. He was having none of this.

  "You guys made a portal that doesn't even work?" Gilbert said moving towards the black portal. Vladimir just grinned at him. Gilbert rose an eyebrow, silently questioning him.

  "If you don't think it works, why don't you step on it?" Vlad asked. "But make sure you don't eat anything. And whatever you do, don't look back." Vlad said his voice sounded strict and I made note of what he said.

  "Ja, whatever." Gilbert said and stepped on the black triangle. But before any of us knew what was happening, Gilbert felling into the hole. He let out a sound of shock but as soon as he was engulfed by the portal, you could no longer hear it.

  "What just happened?" Yao asked. "Why can't they," Yao gestured to Emil, Tino, and Berwald. "Go through the portal but Gilbert did?"

  "The only ones that can pass through the portal are the ones who have died in some way." Lukas said clueing in quickly. "Prussia's country is dissolved so he could pass through."

  "So the only other person that can pass through is Lovino?" Tino asked and Vladimir shook his head. I felt like somehow he knew what I did to get Lovino back. And it sent shivers down my spine.

  "Feliciano, can pass through as well." Vlad spoke up. Some of the others looked at me in shock. "He has died in a human way before."

  As he said that my hand went to my neck. Six years ago I had done that. I didn't think it would have any importance besides getting Lovino back. But I guess I was wrong.

  I looked at Lovino. "You ready to do this?" I asked him. We couldn't just let Gilbert do this on his own. Lovino knew that.

  "Yeah, whatever." He said and we went to stand in front of the portal. I looked at Vladimir and repeated what he told Gilbert. A smile appeared on his face, relieved I had been paying attention.

  I took a deep breath and looked at Lovino. He nodded once and we both stepped through the portal.

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