"I don't understand," I started.

"There's no time to explain now. Just run across the street to the house. I will stay on this side, so I can protect you if I need to."

"Okay," I agreed weakly.

Lucas opened the door, letting a small sliver of sunlight in. My eyes took a minute to adjust and I saw a calm Mayfair street ahead of me. A small green space in the middle and a curved street with a big imposing townhouses, a row of brick houses with a white stone house in the middle. Its marble steps lead up to big, carved oak doors. My eyes scanned both sides of the street, there was a few parked cars along it but I couldn't see anyone. I took a deep breath, my muscles tensing.

"Go now," Lucas whispered behind me.

My feet felt as if they had exploded off the ground. I hurtled out into the street and across the green space. My body were on high alert for any magic, trying to use my abilities as a radar for danger. The only direction I could sense magic coming towards where the house in front of me. My feet hesitated for a second, before I ran forward again. Lucas would never send me into danger. That would be like sending himself into danger. My feet stopped me dead in my tracks, I hunched down behind a car. What if he didn't know? In panic I looked back towards the direction I had come from, but from this side of the little park I couldn't see him. I looked ahead, at the white building which I could see in-between the parked cars. I closed my eyes, focusing all my power on the house in front of me. What kind of magic is this? I felt like my mind was stretching into the house, sweeping through each floor. There was a lot of magic in this house. My hands started trembling at the thought of that many warlocks. I felt my mind focus on a specific spot at the back of the house.

"Taylor," his name moved over my lips as the faintest of whispers. He was in there!

I felt myself run the last few steps to the entrance of the house before I had even had a chance to think about what I was doing.

"Why did you stop?" Lucas shoted out. His voice made me jump with surprise.

"There is warlocks in there," I pointed out the door and kept my voice low. I knew Taylor was in there but I still hadn't confirmed it was a safe place.

"I would hope so," Lucas replied and knocked on the door.

We stood in silence waiting for the majestic door in front of us to open.

An older woman opened the door, wearing what looked like a medieval style take on a French maid outfit.

"We're here for the queen," Lucas explained.

"Please wait outside and I'll verify this," she practically slammed the door in our faces.

"That was strange," I whispered.

Lucas furrowed his brows in irritation, "Are you not following? The king had died. Do you think the Grimstaw server would just let anyone in just who says they want to see the queen?"

I stood in silence, not replying to his outburst.

The door swung open in front of us and Anastasia's warm eyes meet mine.

"Are you okay?" her voice was filled with concern.

"I was attacked by Charlet's men and she was with me," Lucas interjected.

Anastasia's eyes moved over to Lucas, a coldness shone in them that instantly told me she wanted as little to do with him as possible.

"They might have seen a glimpse of her," he continued.

"Of course, I understand," the queen replied.

Her attention moved over towards me, the warm instantly back in her eyes, "Cara, we're happy to have you stay here and under our protection until the threat has subsided."

"Thank you," I replied shakily, suddenly feeling like all the energy had drained from me.

I felt my knees go weak, but before I could collapse Lucas had grabbed both of my arms, awkwardly propping me up and steering me towards a stool in the grand entrance of the Grimstaw residence.

"Thanks." I looked up at Lucas as he stared down at me.

"We'll take it from here," Anastasia directed her words towards Lucas.

He nodded at her shortly, keeping his face polite but I could tell that somewhere underneath the façade her coldness bothered him.

"You're not staying?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "We need to keep our distance. If Charlet's men have any suspicions, I can't confirm anything by being around you." He closed the door behind him and I stared around the grand entrance, my eyes fixing on the crystal chandelier that was hanging from the ceiling, its soft glow cascading onto the beautiful staircase leading upwards to the first floor.

"He's possibly the worst person for you to be tethered to," Anastasia commented, cutting through the silence like a knife with her statement.

I felt my breath catch in my throat. She knew about that?

Author's Note: Hello darlings. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The story is certainly picking up speed and I am so excited for you to see where it goes. If you are enjoying this story, please recommend it to one of your Wattpad friends and take the time to press the star to vote <3

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