Chapter 5

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After telling them the story of how I became a Mikealson they were speechless. They hadn't known I had gone through so much and that in fact, I was stronger than they believed. It still didn't change my view on what I thought about them. They would forever be Bambi munchin' discos to me.

"If all of this is true then you have to stay away from the Volturi," Carlisle said. "And why would I do that?" I asked smirking. "Are you crazy they'll make you join them for your powers!" Edward yelled.

"Oh poor Eddie, poor naive Eddie, the Volturi won't do a thing to me," I said. "You don't know them, Bella, they are ruthless, vicious animals who don't care about anyone but them selves!" he growled.

No sooner than he said the last word did I have him up against the wall hanging by his neck. "Don't you ever speak about them that way if you value your life boy! You people have no idea what you're talking about, Carlisle the only fucking reason you think of them as savages is that they didn't consider you family, so they didn't trust you, you think you know it all Eddie all because you read minds, but in all truth you know nothing. People hide things Eddie some can hide them badly and some can hide them good, but you can never tell the difference because your gift doesn't dig that deep, you just read the surface thoughts, what they are thinking at the current moment, any one can mask their true thoughts, Eddie, as long as they concentrate hard enough, take Pixie-Bitch over there for example, she's masking her thoughts right now, she has been since she met you all, even when she met the Major," everyone turned and looked at a nervous Alice,"So tell me Eddie does her thoughts consist of nothing but shopping even at this moment?" I asked turning back to him.

He looked at her concentrating,"Yes," he said shocked," But that's just Alice," he defended. "No that's not Alice, you see I had the time to get to know the real Alice when she was human, the real Alice is scheming, and conniving, but the Alice you speak of is just a distraction, a decoy, an object blocking the sun, the door that has locked in the secrets, all in truth the real Alice is someone who would kill to get what she wanted, isn't that right Mary-Alice," i said smirking at her glaring figure.

"You see little Ally here isn't so innocent, she planned all of this out, she didn't come here to find a family she came here to control you. She planned meeting Jasper, she planned them coming to your coven, she planned you all coming back to Forks, but the only thing she didn't plan for was me. She didn't see me coming to town and she didn't see me with you guys, in fact, Alice hasn't been able to see anything involving me since I came to town. Every vision she has told you about since then has been complete bullshit, she never saw James going to the ballet studio, she knew that he would be there but it wasn't because she had a vision of it, it was because she called James and told him to go there, she knew in exchange for my life she would be free from James. I only went to the ballet studio to keep up the sacrificial trait of the Bella Swan you had all come to think of me as, trust me I could have killed James with my eyes closed, but I didn't because then you would all start asking questions and Alice would know who I was. So I let James beat me up a little, Alice also didn't plan on James having loose lips about their little deal and him recording the whole thing, so when you all came and she saw the video she destroyed it and when she saw the opportunity to kill James she took it. When I was in the hospital Alice came and paid me a little visit, she asked me about all I remembered of what James said, I knew she was trying to see if he had told me, so I told her a lie, I said all I remembered was the pain, and how Edward and the mighty fucking Cullens came and saved me from the big bad James. She bought it like I knew she would but she still kept an eye on me, a.k.a Bella Barbie time, she knew that somehow I was still going to be a threat to her perfect little lie so she knew she had to get rid of me some way."

I then looked at Jasper, "Then came the party, she kept Jasper from feeding no matter how much he wanted to so he could attack me when the time came, she knew that Jaspers along with the whole families bloodlust would throw him over the edge and he would snap and that you would leave, but she also didn't count on another bump in the road, she didn't know that when I was around the shifters that she could see me but still even then I was blurry. I1 had been cliff jumping when she saw it so she thought I was trying to kill my self and was so excited that she accidentally let her guard down and told Rosalie about my plan of suicide, when she realized what she had done she came back to Forks to make it look like she was trying to do a good deed of going to the funeral of her 'best friend' but she was actually going to go to my house and look through my things, that's why when I came home she almost had a cow when she saw I was still alive. She would have tried to kill me her self but Jacob was there, and this brings me to the next part of this oh so wonderful story, you, Eddie the idiot going to Volterra to get yourself killed over your lost 'mate'. Aro really loved it when he read in your mind that you thought your dead mate was me, the only reason you didn't know I knew them was because I asked them not to tell you or think about it so they wouldn't blow my cover. I could probably guess exactly what they were thinking of to throw you off track, Marcus was thinking of Didyme, rest her soul, Aro was thinking of collecting you for your gift, and Caius was thinking of killing you, actually I don't think his was a cover thought he really doesn't like you, so that one might have been real," he nodded his head and stared at me in shock," and all the other guard were probably thinking of killing you to, especially Jane an Alec, they have always been protective of me, considering I saved their life and they think of me as their mother-"

"Wait you're the one that saved them from the witch trials in Salem?" Carlisle asked. "Why yes, yes I am, how did you figure?" I asked narrowing my eyes. "Well when I stayed with the Volturi i used to hear Alec and Jane talking about their 'mother' who saved them and when they thought she would visit next, when they were walking the halls, I just assumed it was another one of the Volturi they were talking about, every time the woman, or you, would visit I would be out hunting, so I would never get to see her, you," he said.

"That's how I wanted it. One of the witches I know told me I had to steer clear of you until the time was right, and that when we did meet it would be completely by coincidence, so I made sure to only come when you were out, I consider Jane and Alec my children, Jane was always my little heartbreaker, and Alec my charmer. After I saved them i left them so they could pursue their dreams not worrying about being hunted down, when I came back to see how they were doing they were gone i spent weeks looking for them, when I went to Italy i found out that the Volturi had taken them in when they fell ill, when they had met Jane and Alec Marcus could already see a bond forming between everyone and them, and when Jane and Alec told them about me they made sure to change them since they knew if I saved someone then they had to be important to me. So you see the Volturi aren't the hateful blood thirsty creatures you make them out to be, and from what I can tell you don't really have a good judge of character, so really none of your fucking gifts matter, they all can be manipulated, Major, i expected more from you," I said looking pointedly.

"What do you mean?" he asked looking confused. "She's just playing with you Jasper, don't listen to her," Alice said looking panicked. "Shut up Alice...what are you talking about Bella?" he asked narrowing his eyes at me. "Oh come on Jasper don't you remember me, i was the first female soldier to ever go to war, and the first female soldier to become the captain to the legendary Major Jasper Andrew Whitlock, and the first female soldier to become best friends with the Major," his eyes widened and he took a better look at me. When he gasped I smirked.

"Isa?" he asked astonished.

"Who else would I be," I said. "You're still the sarcastic bastard I remember," he said smirking.

"And you're still the panty dropper with a stick up his ass I remember," I retorted with a smirk.

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