I guess I am no cat then

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I stared at the man/ghost completely bewildered. He stared right back at me while smiling. I think he was smiling anyway; he had such a big moustache it was hard to tell.


"You have to be a ghost, right?" I interrupted him. "You, you are– You are levitating and, and err, green! Yes! You're also green! And you're, you are also holding some cheese! Glowing cheese! Glowing green cheese!" 'What does cheese have to do with this?' That made me realise something. "I'm rambling again, aren't I? You're not going to hurt me, are you?"

"Not all ghosts are evil, some of us just want to be left alone there, don't cha know?" He said with a smile.

"Well, that's good to hear" I said relieved. "But, err, who, who are you?"

"I'm the Dairy King, kiddo. Who're you?"

"Glad to know, I'm Jenna Smith" I said with a smile. "Do you err, live here or...?"

"Well, yes I do live here, kiddo. You seem to be new here, eh?"

"Well, yes, I'm new here. I came here four days ago. I've been unconscious for most of the time, though. Are all ghosts this nice or should I be worried about meeting other ghosts? Wait, didn't you just say 'not all ghosts are evil', so there are some ghosts that aren't nice then?" I began to ramble on again. "So maybe I should be worried, very... worried. Heh, heh, I did it again, didn't I?" I smiled nervously at the Dairy King, but he didn't seem too bothered about it, he just kept on smiling.

"Don't worry about it, kiddo! It's alright!"

I smiled brightly at him. "Well, maybe it's time for me to head back to my room now. It was great meeting you! Have a great night!" I began to walk slowly away.

"Try the Gouda! It's dairy fresh!" He shouted while flying out of the room. I rolled my eyes at that, but my lips still wore a small smile.

I began to walk back the way I came here, but the fact that I had walked here without thinking about anything special, made the word try seem relevant. So, trying to find the way back I went up some stairs that I found, even though I was not completely sure if I was supposed to.

Suddenly, I felt a sudden chill walking past a door in the corridor. 'What's up with these chills anyway? It's not even cold'. I peeked in to the room, but what I saw in there was not exactly what I had expected.

What I saw was a person with his back turned, wearing flowing a silvery-white cape, the same colour as the individual's sleeves seemed to be, the hands were covered in black gloves and the person was sporting a pair of black boots. The person had black hair styled like two horns, with a streak of grey in the middle.

The person began to pace between two of the tables in the room, so that I could see the side of the person (I'm just going to say that the person is male for now). I saw that the suit he had on was in fact silvery-white, with a black belt around his waist, he had aqua-white skin, pointy ears and red eyes. What I saw then surprised me even more. He had two very pointy fangs in his mouth.

'Is he a, a vampire? Seriously? Alright, ghosts do exist, but vampires! Yes, I try to keep an open mind about things, but... How do I know that he isn't just a vampire-looking ghost?' Done with my internal discussion, I noticed that the person was looking at me.

"Jenna, what are you doing out of bed?" He said in a creepy, but masculine voice. Internally I was freaking out. 'How does he know my name!? I, I haven't told him that. Right? No, I haven't. Has he been spying on me!? Maybe, maybe someone else told him... Like the Dairy King, or Vlad, or... Actually, I have only met those two and presented myself to those two' He looked at me concerned. "Can't sleep? Are you lost again?"

Jenna Smith... Or WinterWhere stories live. Discover now