Curiosity killed the cat...

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My time travel machine, TUTARDIS, yes you heard me right. TUTARDIS stands for: Time Universal Travels And Relative Dimension In Space. I know it's long and doesn't have the same clang to it as TARDIS, but that's what it stands for, and you can't really change that. Now, I know you are thinking, "There is no such thing as a TUTARDIS", (oh and stop laughing at the name!) but then you are actually wrong... Oh well, actually it does only exist one in the Multiverse, so don't tell anyone, I don't want anyone to steal it.

Though, it does exist some void manipulators. They work the same way as the TUTARDIS, but without the protecting casing around you. You often get a little nauseous after you've used it. 'It's a Universe Hopper'. My mum says that normal people, from my planet, can only travel to different realities, not completely different universes.

'So, where was I? Hmm'. Right, the TUTARDIS landed (crashed) by the looks of the text on the computer, in...

"Wisconsin? Huh, never have I landed in Wisconsin before. And I have been traveling much" I said, talking to myself. 'Though it is probably another universe' I walked out of the door, and locked the door to the TUTARDIS. And then, I looked around.

There was a garden that was ginormous, a forest at the horizon and a grey castle. The castle had many windows and a big blue door. It had many towers with golden roof, some that's sticking out of other towers and five green flags sitting in a V-shape, and another five flags that's sitting in a line under the V-shape, but over the door.

I walked up to the big blue doors, and knocked on them. While I waited for someone to open the doors I looked at the machine that I live and travel in, and right now looked like a short but wide tree. A middle-aged man opened the door. He had half long hair in a low ponytail, was dressed in a black costume with a red bowtie and a white shirt under it. I got a feeling I should know who he is.

"Hello I'm Vl-... And what is a teenager like you doing here, at my house, all alone?" he asked in a slightly creepy tone. 'Wait, teenager?' He continued to stare at me when I realised he waited for me to answer. 'Whoops! '

"Um, traveling?" I kind of answered. "Who are you?"

"I am Vladimir Masters" Vladimir answered with his creepy voice. "And just who may you be?"

"I'm Jenna Smith, Mr Maestro" I answered.

"It's Masters" he deadpanned.

"Mr Astro?" I tried.

"No, Masters"

"Mr Johnson?" I tried again. I winced. 'Right, this isn't going as planned. What was his name now again, Vladimir Novice? Um... Probably not...'

"No" He rolled his eyes. "Just call me Vlad if you can't remember my last name or whatever problem you have with my last name."

"So" I pointed at Vlad. "Vlad, and" I pointed to myself. "Jenna, are we clear?"

"Yes... So, well then Jenna. Do you possibly like science?" He asked me. 'Um... what? Where did that come from'

"Um, yes, I, guess?" I answered a little bit put off by his weird question, and I was a little bit uncertain if I should say yes, but curiosity got the best of me. 'Hey, wait, that rhymed!'

"Hmm..." he looked at me in a creepy looking way, as if he was studying me, like I was some kind of dangerous experiment that could explode any minute if he wasn't careful. "Yes. Would you like to see a science project I have in my, well, hidden basement?"

"Well..." I considered my options, going down to a hidden basement for looking at a science project that possibly doesn't even exist, or just say no, walk away and wondering for the rest of my life what the project was. It was an easy choice. "Why not, just looking at a project won't kill me" I answered with a small smile. 'I'm a grown up woman I can take care of myself'

Jenna Smith... Or WinterWhere stories live. Discover now