Chapter Twelve

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    The night was a little chilly and I was happy to have my coat. I was even more happy to have Blaine's warm arm wrapped around my shoulders. Flappers may have had a sweet style but cold weather proof wasn't part of it. .

    "Did you have fun tonight?" Blaine asked, smiling down at me.

    "Yeah I did. Not a bad first date." I grinned mischievously. "Although technically it's our second since you crashed my date with Hector."

    "Ugh don't remind me." Blaine groaned and pulled me into him. "I was such a jealous idiot. I'm surprised you even bothered to give me another chance."

    "Okay okay." I laughed. "I won't bring it up again."

    "Good." Blaine said. "So I noticed that your roommates were giving you thumbs up as we were leaving. What was that all about?"

    I blushed. Hopefully it was too dark for him to see. Curse my easy blushing tendencies! "Ugh it's nothing. They were just being silly and teasing me about something." I'm gonna kill them. Luckily Blaine didn't pursue the matter.

    We reached his car and he gallantly held my door open. "What do you say to some donuts and hot cocoa? There's a food truck downtown that sells all different flavors of cocoa and donuts."

    "You had me at donuts." I said as I slid into the passenger seat.

    The donuts and hot cocoa place was divine. I tried a s'mores flavored hot cocoa and a nutella whip twist donut. Heaven, I tell you.

    "How did you find out about this place?" I asked Blaine as we sat in the warm car outside the food truck, snuggled together and enjoying our treats.

    "An old girlfriend of mine used to work here." Blaine said. He took a sip of his drink. "I would come for breakfast a lot. She was crazy, but the food was good and free." He grinned.

    An old girlfriend huh? "Well, it's delicious so I guess crazy was worth it." I said. Chill out Elise, he said old girlfriend. It's not like she's still hanging around waiting for him.

    "So have you ever had any crazy boyfriends?" Blaine asked as he reached for another donut.

    "You mean besides the one who crashed a date I had with another guy?" I said a little sarcastically.

    "Hey now, I apologized." Blaine protested.

    I laughed. "You did, I'm just teasing." Suddenly I felt nervous. "Um I haven't ever really ever had a boyfriend." Well that cat is out of the bag. He probably now thinks I'm some loser girl who couldn't get a date in high school. Almost true.

    "Really? That surprises me." Blaine said. "I would've never guessed that."

    "Unfortunately it's true. I mean I went on dates, played a few awkward games of spin the bottle and had guys like me but I've never had a boyfriend." I fiddled with my cup lid. "Obviously your experience is different."

    Blaine took my hand and started playing with my fingers. "Elise, I like you and I'll be honest with you,I've done a lot in my life that I think would scare you. Smoking, drinking, partying, sex, I didn't have the best environment growing up. My dad left when I was ten and my mom couldn't care less about what I do. I guess I'm kind of your typical 'bad boy' ,but I've been wanting to change my life around and then I met you. I have never known anyone quite like you. Your sweetness and innocence makes me want to be a better person. You are exactly what I have been looking for my entire life. I don't deserve someone like you but I really hope you give me a chance to prove that I can be worthy of you."

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