Part Two

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"Liz, right?" I said to the person behind the bar.

"Right honey. And you are?"

"Eve." I smile.

She seemed to be the only sane person here. She seemed carefree in her own skin, and happy although I'm sure people looked at her differently. I wouldn't dream of it though.

"What about you?" I asked the blonde woman with a cigarette.


"Nice to meet you both. I'm glad I found some decent people here. I've been going insane."

"It's what people mainly do here." Sally said, putting out her cigarette. "Liz get me a drink."

"Don't go listening to her honey, she's always doped up." Liz said, but Sally ignored her.

I wonder what she meant?

Liz drops a glass of bourbon in front of Sally, then turns to me. "I know you're too young to drink, but I won't tell. You look troubled."

I smile, already taking a liking to them. I hear a bunch of people stirring, then I see the man from yesterday who tried to hit on me. My blood runs cold. Did he follow me here?

"W-who is that womanizer guy with the outdated clothes?" I ask Liz and Sally.

Neither of them laugh at my joke though.

They exchange a worried glance before Liz speaks up. "That's James March. Don't mind his clothes or his attitude. As long as you don't catch his fancy you should be alright, but if you do, lie low. Stay out of his sight." Liz watches my expression carefully while I watch James. I knew there was something off about him, I just don't know what. I'm sure there's still a lot that I don't know about Mr. March. All that matters now is that I get away from him. As soon as she got done saying this, he automatically looks right at me and smiles."Turn around." Liz rushes me and I do as they say, fidgeting nervously with my drink.

I feel his presence behind me, but I don't dare look. "Ahh, Mr. March, would you like a drink?" Liz offers.

"The usual please." He replies back.

"Of course, sir." Liz goes to work making March's cocktail.

"C'mon Eve, I'll take you back to your room," Sally says taking my arm.
Before I can even think to follow her, James already has my wrists tightly in each of his. A sinister smile playing at his lips as he speaks demandingly. "You can ignore me all you want to, but you can't hide from me darling."

I look into his dark eyes with horror. "Why won't you leave me alone?" I whisper, holding back tears.

He smiles, pulling me a bit closer. "You're not like the others."

I burst into tears. "Please, just leave me alone."

He laughs suddenly, and Sally and Liz look unsure what to do. "Mr. March, your drink."

"Thank you, Liz. You look quite lovely tonight." He takes his drink in hand, and takes a small sip. "You know, I think the countess should be gracing us with her presence quite soon." He changes the subject like nothing at all happened.

Sally takes my arm once again now that he's distracted. "C'mon."

"I can't go to my room, he'll follow me. I know he will."

"Who said I was taking you to your room?"

She takes me up the elevator, and onto a floor I haven't been on just yet. "Are you taking me to your room?" I ask her.

Master MarchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora