Dark and Light

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The kaleidoscope of colors that I saw as my memories went through my mind amazed me. It makes me wonder what kind of person I am that even in my last breaths, that I find amazement and joy in these things. The memories we're going by so fast through my minds eye that I couldn't even understand what I was seeing but the very few moments in my life that contained such pure joy to just think about that I could recall them word for word. Even so, this whole thing amazed me.

I finally closed my eyes and reopened them to come back to the real world. The tall dark figure that loomed over me held his broadsword with one hand, swinging it back in forth in long, drawn out mocking motions. The blade, black as midnight, was a reflection of his dark, cruel heart. His eyes burned of pure fury as he looked at me, smirking with delight as he thought of himself bringing upon my end with this final blow. His heel was nearly crushing my ribs while he waited to take my life just to watch me suffer longer. I stared up at him, peering past his eyes and into his evil soul. I smiled brightly despite the situation I was in and wondered how long it would take this man to realize that this was all pointless.

"Ha, even in death you are as ignorant as ever! I hold the power to bring upon your imminent demise, and all you can do is smile back at me. None of this had to happen brother, and your death will not if you join me now. My master has given me more power than anything you could even imagine, and he will do the same for you." Aramos said as his gaze turned even darker than before.

"And you are such a fool Aramos for even thinking that I would ever join you. How long will it take you to learn that your way will never take you anywhere? Your master bought your loyalty by giving you power. Mine gives us freewill and shows compassion and kindness to all and is more powerful than yours by far. Even if I die today, it will not matter. I will be eternally at peace and home with my master and the prophecy will bring upon your demise as well as your master's." I replied.

"I have read the prophecy brother. Your master will perish by my hand. If your wish is to die, then I shall grant it!" he said as he raised his sword. I clutched the torn parchment of the prophecy close to my chest as Aramos raised his sword high and held it there.

"Goodbye Eliam! I am finally done with you and soon I'll be done with the ignorant fool that you call a master as well!" He said as he bought down his sword and pierced it through my chest. The steel was as cold as ice and I felt the heat leave my body. I looked up one last time at my brother, and then closed my eyes and breathed my last.

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