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HEY HEY HEY EVERYONE. My absolute and utter apologies for neglecting this story, I've had writers block with it for a bit. Things will be back in full swing! Sorry if updates are slow or there are any mistakes. Sleep will forever be the one that got away for me. Enjoy, rate, comment, please!

The following morning, I'd woken with a mild hangover, but nothing that couldn't be combated with two cups of coffee and two Tylenol. My hair was in a matted messy bun, my glasses were perched on my nose, and I was sitting crosslegged in a long-sleeved mid-thigh sleeping shirt.

My eyes were going back and forth from the cooking show on telly to the door, waiting for Hannah to stumble in, for two reasons. One, I needed to scold her for ditching me for her one-night stand. Two, I needed to use her phone so I could cancel my credit and debit cards, and also ask the phone company for a replacement cell.

I was still in a bad mood from last night, completely irritated with every annoying detail. I had no phone, no credit or debit cards, no purse (my God, that purse)--only a slight throbbing at my temple and a gash on my thigh that Matty had nursed.

He was by far the most annoying part about last night. He was so handsome, so fascinating, but he was all too familiar with these facts, and his ego irked me. It irked me, perhaps, because it was a turn-on for me. And he didn't seem to miss that fact, either.

My stomach was beginning to grumble, especially with the chocolate cake Nigella Lawson was making on the telly. I was craving a strawberry pastry from a shop nearby, but had nothing to purchase it with, and was just about to settle for oatmeal when the doorbell buzzed.

I clicked the telly off and stomped to the front door. It wasn't Hannah, because she had a key.

It was Matty, and he was holding a purse.

My purse.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around his shoulders before I realized it probably wasn't so appropriate.

My patient, or I suppose my study, was at my doorstep, with my purse in his hands, and I hadn't the faintest idea why or how. His hair was up, and he was looking too damn good in a black v-neck and blue jeans.

"How did you get this?" I asked him, pulling away from him and clutching my bag to my chest like it was a long-lost baby.

Matty shrugged nonchalanty. "George's uncle owns the cab company."


I smiled, elated by having my life back together in one beautiful piece.

"Thank you," I smiled at him. "I don't quite know what to say."

Matty's perfectly white teeth showed through a crooked, devilish smile.

"You could invite me in," he suggested.

I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose. "In for what?"

Matty answered me with a lustful look on his gorgeous face; his eyes smouldering and dark as he looked my body up and down, putting his hands up on the doorframe I was standing in between.

I inhaled a sharp breath and my blue eyes grew wide.

"Matty, you're being extremely inappropriate," I dismissed him.

"Coffee, then?" he asked me, the tone of his lovely voice now playful.

That was inapppropriate as well, though my chances of giving in to Matty's flirtations were perhaps a bit more slim if he propositioned me in the middle of a coffee shop. Admittiedly, not much more so.

Addiction/Affliction {M.Healy}Where stories live. Discover now