"Owen, why not draw a picture of Bree. She is your girlfriend." Chase suggested sarcastically. The only thing was, I was the only one who could tell Chase was being sarcastic.

"No, I would never draw a picture of Bree." Owen said, brushing off the idea. He returned back to his drawing without a second thought. This caught my attention.

"Why not?" I asked trying my best to not sound desperate and upset. We were dating, why wouldn't he want to draw a picture of me?

"Because, we're not that serious." Owen replied simply. I frowned in confusion. He had asked me to be his girlfriend. How does that not classify as serious?

"Well if we're not that serious, then maybe we should break up." I suggested in a threatening tone. He stopped drawing and turned to me.

"Maybe we should." He replied calmly, seeming completely un-phased by all of this. I held myself together, trying not show how upset I really was about this.

"Fine." I hissed as I turned back to Chase.

"So, what's up with you?" I asked in a snide tone. Chase smiled slightly at me before he gestured to his phone. I nodded and got out mine as well.

Are you okay?

Kind of. I didn't really like him all that much, anyway.

Then why were you going out with him in the first place?

I don't know. I guess I just wanted a boyfriend.

Or did you want to make someone jealous :P That's what I do with Danielle, use her to make the other girl jealous.

I actually liked Owen a little bit, unlike you and, that thing. Besides, I had, and still have, no one to make jealous.

I think you do.

Well who would it be then?

I think it would be...

Spit it out Chase


I sat back and looked at the text before turning off my phone and getting out my book. I did not want to make Chase jealous. We kissed once senior year, that was it. It didn't even mean anything. And then Ethan broke up with me for it. We were playing truth or dare! I didn't want to do it. It wasn't like it was all I had been thinking about my whole life. Kissing Chase Davenport. I had absolutely no reason to make Chase jealous.

"Bree are you okay?" Chase whispered. I continued to look down at my worksheet. I did not want to talk about this. Not now, not ever. I knew for a fact that I didn't like Chase. I hate him. He's like a frienemy, in a way.

"I'm fine." I whispered back. I couldn't even look at him. I wanted to forget this day ever happened. Chase suddenly walked in this morning, and decided we should be decent with each other, out of nowhere. Then, he claims he has a newfound love. Or not so newfound, at that. From the sounds of it, he's liked this girl for quite some time. And to top off the cake, Chase managed to break up my second relationship. Both of which, were his fault. If he hadn't of suggested that Owen draw me, we would still be together. I would have no reason to regret ever getting involved with him. Finally the bell rang.

Now I'm here. Driving to my place for lunch. Which, once again, was right next door to Chase's place. The kid stalks me everywhere. I parked my car and raced up the stairs. I looked out the window at the end of my floor to see Chase had pulled up. I raced down to my apartment and opened the door just as Chase walked up the stairs.

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