Chapter 2

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"Oh great! Now Ms. Know it All doesn't have a clue!"  Sophie yelled.

"Shut up Sophie." Carson growled in my defense.

"Let's get a move on and find shelter guys." Nick tried to calm us down standing next to defenseless Rae.

"No I-" Sophie was cut off by Rae's pleading eyes.

We each took a deep breath in and breathed out. We walked along until I said,

"Hey, aren't there things in the plane , like luggage food?"

"That's a g-good idea. " Rae smiled.

"No it's not. All the luggage fell into the water." Nick sighed surprisingly calm.

"Oh oh! Look it's bare land. Everyone let's go . Now." Sophie said excitedly.

The bare land had sand everywhere but was spotted with tree stumps. IT was big enough to make a fire in the middle so Sophie ,Rae , and Nick went to get dry sticks. Which was hard since the jungle was basically wet all over.

"You okay?" Carson asks casually.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. Who'd be fine? We're stranded on a stupid Island with a gigantic jungly yet I dare say that I'm fine?!

"You know....." Carson mumbled.

I looked to the right to find his face inches from mine.

"I'll always be there for you." Carson whispered.

I smiled. "Thanks."

"We found wood we found wood!!!!!!" Sophie yelled happily.

"I guess It's our turn to find the food?"I reply curiously.

"No duh." Sophie said as if the answer was obvious. But she didn't understand it was a rhetorical question.

"Well you don't need to be rude about it. By the way I hope you like berries because killing and skinning a jaguar isn't an option little miss Cinderella." I snickered.

ME and Carson got up from our stumps and dusted ourselves off before walking north. the opposite from where we came. To our amazement it was filled with bananas here but that means an Ape might be angry because we stole their food.

"Be careful." Carson gripped my arm but then let go again.

We descended into the midst of the leafy green area and started picking bananas. Yay us. Bananas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


I bump into a 'wall' and look up. Right there was an ape that could've probably been as big as King Kong.

It swiped. But it didn't hit me. No, I was taken out of range by Cason.

"Thanks." I mumble but I look at the Ape.

Carson looks at it too but his glare was like a death glare. Something, not Carson.

The Ape just turned around and left and I looked at Carson curiously. Somethng happened between him and that ape and i need to find out.

"Carson what did you do? I know you did something, but what was it Carson?!" I hated to fire all the questions at once, but it was the only way to find out.

"I-I don't know what I did." Carson studdered so we made our way back silent as I didnt want to make him uncomfortable.


"About time" Sophie rolled her eyes and took three bananas.

Each person did the same except they didn't roll their eyes they just smiled and muttered a small thank you.

The fire was blazing but we made sure not to burn the jungle down to  the sandy ground.

Each of us ate our bananas in the silence until something from Sophie's mouth surprised us all.

"To be honest guys, I'm scared. I'm afraid that none of us will survive this jungle for long. Either natural causes or jaguars cheetas or panthers. I-I don't want to die. I have a family at home and I don't want to let them, down. My little sister's a the hospital, probably taking her last breaths and her big sister won't even be there to say goodbye. Yeah, she's in Europe too. That's why I came with you guys by the way.."

We were all shocked. We didn't know what to say. The bossy and rude Sophie was gone. This was depressed and soft Sophie. We stayed in shock for at least 10 seconds before I said,

"It's okay Sophie. She'll understand. And if she dies, she'll know that you wanted to say goodbye. She'll never come back to haunt you. She knows that you loved her every day of your life and you still do."

"Don't bring that crap to me . " Sophie sobbed and through gasps she said. "I'll never see her again. It's sad that I'll probably not even be at her funeral. This jungle is my block from anyone I love more than anyone else in the whole entire fucked up world. I have a right to be depressed. Thinking positive will only cover the sad things. But they'll still be under that cover, ready to come out."

AT that point no one could say anything to comfort her. She said the truth. The optimism only covers the depression with a stupid blanket. Shading them from memory. Even though the happiness tries its hardest, The depression will soon tear the blanket apart and you'll remember everything and cry yourself to the depths of sleep. Maybe even eternal sleep. Death.

"L-let us get off this topic." Rae said wiping her glasses with the cloth of her long sleeved shirt."I-I r-really don't l-like it."

Sighing I layed on the floor and Carson and Rae did the same. Nick comforted Sophie and soon they laid on the ground too.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Yeah?" They replied at the same time.

"Thanks for being her with me."

Soon we all drifted off to sleep. But I woke up in the middle of the night to a sound of crunching.

'Crackle crackle'

"W-who's there?" I said frightened of the intruder.

'grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' I-it sounded like a jaguar.

OH no. What do I do? The others are heavy sleepers so I don't think I can wake them up in time. I probably can't. The jaguar pounces making a king of a squeaky roar type sound, but I see someone move in front of me.

Who's this? Then I look closer.

"Carson?!" I was right. But he'll get hurt! It's all my fault now. All I hear is the ripping of his shirt and I know for a fact he's , he's , scarred.

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