Chapter 5

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We all stopped at some part of the beach and started to clean ourselves up. At this point we didn't care if we were naked and if the others saw us. At some point we started playing around. This is when it started.

"Stop Nick!" Sophie said playfully as Nick splashed her with water. 

"I mean it stop Nick!" She yelled as water engulfed her. She coughed harshly and her eyes closed.

"Nick, stop" She said lastly and her blue eyes opened as water grabbed Nick and choked him personally. "SOPHIE STOP!" I ran trying to stop her but the water force pushed against me. Finally reaching her I pounced on her, breaking the hold on Nick, letting him breathe.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me, it just happened, I didn't try to do thatandIreallycan'texplainb-" I put my hand over Sophies mouth, face only centimeters from her with a hard cold glare.

I whispered, "Calm down." Letting go of her I moved back and we continued to just clean up in silence.


"Well now we know Sophie's power." I stated trying to break the tenseness.

"Yuppers." Carson and Rae replied.

"You hear that Sophie ? Now you can play with water!" I laughed and messed up her hair. 

"Shut up."

After reaching camp we started to assign roles. We need an organized group or else we are vulnerable.

"Carson and Nick can go find some type of leather or something for like making a tent. Uhm Sophie you can go fishing and you can control our water supply."

"Isn't sea water bad?" Sophie asked.

"Your water makes it go clean. Anyways, Rachel you can try making a fire and after Carson and Nick come with the the animal they skinned you can cook it. I'll be getting sticks for the tent, maybe weapons, and to keep the fire going."

"We're all set" Nick grinned.

"All right put your hands in." Carson said.

After everyone, cooperated he said, "move out in 3, 1 2 3"

"MOVE OUT" everyone went their seperate ways, Rae staying there trying to control her power. Now all I need to figure out if they naturally are able to control their supernaturalness. First prey, Rae.

I pretended to leave but quickly hid inside of a bush. I watched as Rae struggled and then I got this itchy feeling. I was in a bush of poison Ivy!

I almost screeched, but kept quiet and got out. I got some useful sticks on my way to Sophie. I went into the water and she started conversation with me.

"What are you doing here?! aren't you getting sticks?" She looked and sounded nervous.

I closed my eyes smirking. " I stepped in a bush of poison Ivy. You look like you're having trouble there. Need help?"

"n-no~.." She blushed.

"Are you sure???" I grinned even wider.

"Just  get out!" She got furious.

"Heehee ok " i stuck my tongue out and walked over to Carson, peeking at him. I couldn't believe what I saw. Nick and Carson were holding a skinned tiger , shirtless, tanned , and shimmering with sweat. I could swear at that moment I became a girly girl. 

I went to the camp and everyone else was just arriving. Sophie had some type of bucket with water and a few fishes on stick. Nick and Carson with the tiger I saw before. Rae had a fire blazing, and I had a few useful sticks.

I watched Sophie and Rae start to cook what we caught and got interrupted from my daze by Nick's voice. "Jane come help us with this tent!" He gestured to me.

"Kay. " I got up and started polishing the sticks I got and sticking them into the ground. After that I noticed that they haden't skinned just one tiger , probably 13. Wow. "Okay help me with this Nick." I said and soon Nick was grabbing the stick to stay still while I tied each corner. Carson helped me with the last two since he was already there.

When we had finished up we were able to make 3 tents. One for Sophie and Nick, One for Carson and Rae, and one small one for, me.

"Food's ready" Rae yell-whispered or something like that. 

"It's been way too long since I've eaten meat. Banana's are not going to cut it at this time around. I need my nutrients. " I said sitting closest to the fire.

"This would've been a perfect time in our lives. If we weren't stranded. " Carson laughed.

The flames crackled and danced as if happy as well when we threw sticks to burn inside it. "Sophie put out the fire."

"Geez mom I did not know that." She rolled her eyes struggling to put out the fire . After a while it was put out and we all muttered goodnight to eachother. 



"You guys sleep well?" Carson asked.

"No. Nick and Sophie were too busy groaning and moaning the whole time." I complained.

"Jane , Rae come with me please." Sophie looked pale.

After a certian distance from the boys we stood near a tree and I asked, "Whats wrong?"

"You're pale" Rae continued.

"Uhm, last night" she started crying and hugged me."Nick. he-he raped me."

I stood wide eyed. "Why didn't you call for help? Tell me the whole story."

"I was sleeping comfortably and soon I felt a hand on my mouth. H-he" she stopped for a moment. "He started stripping me and then by the time he let go of my mouth he was doing stuff to me so I couldn't cry for help since I was getting tired out and could barely breathe. In the end he threatened me with a wooden carved knife and I cried myself to sleep." She continued to sob on my shirt.

"Today we're rotating. It's my turn in his tent." I gulped. I started petting Sophie's head, a lot taller than her. "Sh sh it's ok"

"Oh God Jane what will you do?" Rae asked.

"I'll think of something."

We all headed back and all the girls gave Nick dirty looks but he didn't notice. We assigned the roles and I was stuck to look for food with Nick. There was an eerie silence as we walked, but I made sure to keep my gaurd up. We were about to pass by a huge tree when a hand covered my mouth and another pushed me against the tree.

"I know Sophie told you, it's no point in waiting until night falls~<3"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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