~Chapter 3 Willow~

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The school day seemed to take forever, it was so drug out that I fell asleep during biology. Ok maybe it wasn't from the day being so long it was most likely from my damn nightmares that keep me up. Ugh, I walked out of the school building, It was freezing of course, so I put up my black jacket hood. The fog was worse today, it was very dense. I shivered as I walked toward where I left my car, or where I thought I left my car. I wandered around for about 15 minutes looking for my car but now I couldn't even see where the school building was so I start to panic a bit. I start to do a slow jog on the slippery, ice, that covered ground. Then the weirdest feeling came over me, I felt like I was being watched. I stopped and turned around I saw a red flash of color, and then spun around again and took off in a dead run. I didn't know where I was going but right now I wished I was in my car. Before I could stop I ran straight into a guy. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating so I took a step backward.

"Sorry." I murmured staring at the ground. I was about to turn around but he caught me by the arm and I looked up. I was glad that I didn't turn around right then. His eyes were a bright green, and his dark brown hair was messy but sophisticated at the same time. He was wearing a red sweatshirt.

He smiled "Hi, I haven't seen you around." He said still holding my arm.

I just replied "Um, Hi." I have the worst talking to guy skills in the world. More like talking to everyone skills but, eh it's all the same in the end. "Can you let go of my arm?"

"Oh ya, sorry." He put a little pressure on my arm before letting go. "My name is Austin. I just moved here, so I'm just trying to meet some people around here." he held out his hand, so I gave him mine. I thought Austin was going to shake it, but instead he lifted it up and put a light kiss on it. I mean like a kiss for real. It sent a shiver through my body. He lightly let go of my hand.

"My name is Willow, and if you were here earlier you would have meet some other people. Trust me you don't want hang out with me." I regretted those words I said but it was the truth. No one hangs out with me, I seriously have no friends here.

"Now why is that?" Austin said with a grin "You seem like a perfectly fine person to me."

I really didn't want to say the truth because I got the wrong type of vibe from him. "I don't have many friends?" When it came out it sounded more like of a question then an answer. He lifted one eyebrow, and pulled up his sleeves. I could see on his arm was a tattoo. It was a circle with flames inside of it.

"Well I guess I'll be your first friend then." Austin said as he glanced down at his arm "I see you like my tattoo." He held out his arm so I could get a full view of it. Jeez, I really need to stop staring at things. "You can touch it, I don't bite." He grinned at me flashing his sparkly teeth. I lifted my hand up to his arm and grazed his skin with my fingertips tracing the outline of the circle. Austin skin felt very cold against my fingertips.

"I better get going." I announced and spun around on the heels of my sneakers.

"Your car, is this way." Austin said pointing his finger to the right, and sure enough it was. I looked at his gorgeous face one more time and replied

"Thank you Austin." As I started to walk toward my car, I thought about what just happened. I ran into this gorgeous guy named Austin, he kissed my hand. He wants to be friends, and he knew where my car was even though I didn't tell him what type of car I had or what I was looking for. Hm, that's a lot to comprehend after having no friends, no social skills, and not really telling him anything about me. I was at my car now, so I dug through my pocket and pulled out my keys and unlocked the car door. Then crawled inside of it, the air was cold inside, but it was better than having cold air plus wind chill. I started the engine and cranked up the heat waiting for it to get a little warmer before I left the school. Then my old outdated slide phone rang, I pick it up and answered it.

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