~Chapter 2~

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(I'm sorry my chapters are so short! There are longer ones coming up!)

(Dan's POV)
Me and Phil were signing Hannah's violin and when we were done Hannah started rocking a bit back and forth on her feet. "Is everything okay Hannah?" Phil asked. "I'm... I'm getting a b-bit dizzy." She said weakly.  Then she started falling over. Phil and I could just catch her before she fell onto the floor.

"O my gosh what happened?!" Phil asked to me. "I think she just passed out!" I said with a bit of panic in my voice. "We have to bring her backstage so she can rest for a bit." Phil said a bit calmer than before. That calmed me down a bit to. Luckily the show was already over because this was an after show meeting for the people that couldn't meet us before the show. I looked around the corner of the little booth we were standing in to see that Hannah was the last person to meet us that evening so there was nobody left. "We can carry her backstage Phil, there is nobody left in line." I exclaimed. "Okay." Phil said.

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