Looks deceive you

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Hi this is my first story that isn't a romance (ying yang was kinda gonna turning into one) so plz comment and vote  


Dreams are pointless. Mine never came true.But I was a stupid naive little girl who believed in Santa claws and the tooth fairy now I know the truth behind all the lies I was fed as a youngster. I hate liars I promised myself I would say things as they were from the moment I knew why my parents got divorced .Good weather was bad luck to me all the bad things that had happened was when the sun was shining it was no different for my parents divorce .And I only blame it on myself. I was never normal as a child I was always weird. I learned ten times faster than any other child I had finished university at the age of twelve. Well I bet you're thinking ha shes messing with us but i'm not I speak fluently in fifteen different languages and know everything there is to know. I don't know what I am but i'm definitely not human that's for sure. You would think my parents proud of me but no they were embarrassed to have a child who was smarter then themselves that's why my parents got divorced my dad wanted to put me up for adoption my mum wouldn't let him. I know it was  a stupid thing to break up over but now you understand why I blame myself for everything.

I've tried to fit in do normal things that a sixteen year old girl would do so I enrolled myself back into high school and slack off like everyone else but they still think i'm weird. Is it the way I look because I look pretty normal. I'm 5.6ft with long chestnut brown hair i'm slim and have blue eyes. I think I look pretty and when i'm in the street I get looks from boys and wolf whistles so what have I done wrong?

Is it my clothes I wear all the designer labels or is it because they're jealous of my  looks and  my money because i'd give them my money for there brain I just want to be normal not to feel like an alien from another planet. I would give everything up just to be normal or at least know who or what I am.The only thing I can think of that was totally different from my intelligence was I believed in the unbelievable ,no not just believed I saw the unbelievable. I saw people fly and half chicken people as well as smurfs. I know I sound like a mental patient don't worry i'm not. But remember this if looks deceive you so do I. 


sorry it's short plz comment and vote.

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