Dragonite, bless him, agreed and spread his wings. A wince passed over Izzy's face upon seeing in what a state his glorious wings were; they were broken and poorly healed in some places and the membrane was cut. These weren't battle scars. These were signs of abuse. The nurses had spent a short while on recognising such injuries in school, because their attentiveness could rescue a Pokémon in a poor home.

The flight was terrific. Despite his emaciated frame, Dragonite remained a powerful flyer. He did not show any discomfort and never expressed any pain. Many people, including Izzy, could learn from the way he dealt with misery.

Back at the Pokémon centre Izzy had resided at, a pandemonium started when the missing nurse landed on an emaciated Dragonite. After assuring everyone she was fine and leaving Dom to make a statement, since she couldn't remember much of it, she rushed Dragonite into a treatment room. The moment she closed the door, the sounds were muffled and all was quiet.

Normally, she'd head for a shower first, but not this time. For once she did not mind that her hair was greasy and filthy and she couldn't care less about the black dress she wore, of which the origin was unknown. All that mattered was Dragonite.

As she prepared hot water with antiseptics and mashed some berries into a paste which would clear any poison in his body, relax his muscles and dull the pain, Dominic entered the treatment room. He wrapped an arm around Izzy, kissed her forehead, and handed her the large bowl of warm Pokémon food.

"Freshly made," he smiled at Dragonite as the nurse mixed the berry paste in.

"Make sure he eats as much of this as he can. He'll feel much better. I'll wash out his cuts," Isabelle said softly before looking pained at the broken wings.

"What's wrong, Iz?" Dominic missed nothing, it seems.

"The standard procedure for improperly healed bones is to break them again and set them right this time. I'd hate to do it so soon after we rescued him." The frown on Dom's face told her he understood. They looked at each other for a moment before getting to work, feeding and disinfecting their charge.

As Isabelle had expected, Dragonite did not like the anti-septic water. It took all of the food and many kinds words to convince him to stay long enough so that even half of the wounds have been treated. Sighing in frustration, the nurse backed off, draining the filthy water in the sink.

"What do we do now?" Dominic asked.


"What?! Izz, act normal," the ranger snapped. His patience was thin as well since he'd had a hectic, long day as well.

"Hm? That wasn't me," Izzy said as she turned around, having washed her hands.


"There it is again! Where is it coming from?" Dom asked, frantically looking around the treatment room. Isabelle had a feeling in her stomach she knew what it was, yet did not dare voice her thoughts.

Nearby Dragonite, a pink Pokémon made itself visible. It hovered for a while before resting on the dragon's head. Dragonite had a look of wonder on his face, rivalled only by that of Dominic.

"Is that...?"

"The mythical Pokémon Mew. Yes," Izzy answered. This was a once-in-a-lifetime event. Rumour went that Mew only showed itself to the most pure-hearted, but that could not be true, right? Isabelle was a nurse and Dominic was a ranger. They'd seen plenty of darkness. Or could Mew be here for Dragonite? Izzy could believe that.

Both watched the pink, cat-like Pokémon hover around Dragonite, lifting its spirits more than Izzy and Dom combined could have done. Isabelle gasped when Mew began to glow brighter and brighter until looking at it hurt her eyes. Then the pink Pokémon fell out of the air, caught by Izzy who had expected this to happen.

Nurse Isabelle and the Kanto Pokédex: the Diary of a Travelling NurseWhere stories live. Discover now