#129 Magikarp

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Magikarp, the Fish Pokémon. A long-lived Magikarp is able to utilize its immense splashing power to leap high enough to scale mountains. It also has a strong enough immune system to survive in the most polluted of waters. However, it is usually overlooked by Trainers because of its perceived weakness: even in the heat of battle it will do nothing but flop around. It is not a strong swimmer, and currents in the water will sweep it downstream. It is normally seen using its former signature move, Splash, to leap out of the water, which makes them easy targets to predators such as Pidgeot. It is believed that the ancestors of Magikarp were actually much stronger than modern Magikarp, and this led scientists to research this species. Magikarp is found in many bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, and ponds. However, due to its weak swimming ability it usually lives downstream of the water's flow.

Sitting on a bridge over a river she'd found, Nurse Isabelle took her shoes off and slid her feet in the water. They were red and blistery from walking too much, so the cool water felt very pleasant. Magikarp swam around her bare feet, occasionally nibbling at her toes. It was this that caused her to giggle lightly while she dialled a number she knew by heart.

"The world's most handsome ranger speaking," the voice on the other end of the line announced after only a few rings.

"Is it? Oh I'm sorry, I must have dialled the wrong number," Isabelle said, causing the man to snort.

"Thanks a lot, Izz. To what to I owe the pleasure?"

"I'd like to meet up with you. I've got something you might find interesting. Or at least, I hope so, because I have no clue what to do with it."

"I almost felt special. Still at the same place as last night? I'll be there soon," Dominic Whitewater said before hanging up.

Dominic found her at the bridge, which she'd taken a picture of for him earlier. The bridge looked even lovelier in reality with its red wood and picturesque location, but even then it was not as lovely at the girl sitting with her legs in the water.

Letting himself slide down heavily, he gave his girlfriend a grin. "Hey," he said in the most silky way he could manage. "Missed me?"

The young nurse pointed down. "I'm sure that one of these Magikarp is close to evolving. Where is he? I saw him just now..." She did not pay any attention to him, though her voice was laced with a grin.

"Oi! Don't ignore me!" He called out, mock-hurt. Isabelle turned to him with a cheeky smile. He sighed. "You monster. Anyway, what did you call me here for?"

Isabelle rummaged through her backpack and withdrew a Pokéball. Dominic frowned at it in confusion. "I've captured a Tauros, from around a farming hamlet near Celadon. He allowed himself to be caught very easily, but he was a real pain. Pidgeot could not tire him and he kept attacking me. So," she grinned innocently. "I figured you'd like to have him."

Dominic gave her an incredulous look. "Are you serious?"

"Are you saying you can't do it? Can't handle a bull that's a tad wild? If so, I'll take it back and show you how it's done." Isabelle held out her hand but he quickly pulled the ball back.

"No! I'll show you. I'll tame this Tauros and he'll be the best there has ever been!" And with that, it was settled. Isabelle was frankly relieved, for she had not known what to do if she had been taken up on her bluff to tame that bull.

Together, hand in hand, they went to the nearby housing Isabelle had rented. There was not a Pokémon centre nearby so they had to make do with this. The owner had been pretty pleased someone finally lived in the shack again and had left a bottle of wine and some chocolate for her. Together with Dominic, they made good use of such luxury foods. When the moon rose, she found them standing in the door-opening to the bedroom. Instead of arguing who would sleep on the couch, they were kissing. Izzy's hands were on Dominic's shoulders and his own were on her waist, having crept under her shirt. They slept together in the bed yet not a lot of sleeping was done.

Nurse Isabelle and the Kanto Pokédex: the Diary of a Travelling NurseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz