#021 Spearow

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Spearow, the Tiny Bird Pokémon. Although inept at other aspects of its flying, such as height and distance, Spearow is still capable of flying quickly to protect its territory. However, it must flap its wings at high speeds to stay aloft. Spearow's loud shrieks can be heard over half a mile away, and are used to warn other of its kind of danger. Spearow sees in black and white and will chase its foes in a large flock. Spearow is usually found in desolate wastelands and fields, where it hunts for insects.

While travelling, it is important to take good care of yourself. So whenever she had the chance, Nurse Isabelle would have a proper lunch and a good rest before she would continue her day. Occasionally, she found a picnic area, with trash bins, a lot of tables to sit on, an outhouse, and a tap for fresh water. As Isabelle arrived at such stop, she saw a couple with young children sitting at one of the picnic tables.

"Hey there. Do you mind if I let my Pokémon out?" Isabelle asked, just to be sure. The parents said they did not mind at all, but only if the Nurse didn't mind her Pokémon being petted. Since that was okay with Izzy, she released Ivysaur, Wartortle, and Pidgeotto.

As she prepared three bowls of food for her Pokémon, the young children approached them. Ivysaur sat up straight, trying to look his best and cutest. The youngest of the two girls fell for his charms and was petting his green head. The boy, however, was totally impressed by Pidgeotto and his coolness. He would squeal and applaud whenever the Bird Pokémon did a flying trick. The most surprising attention spent was by the eldest girl, and eldest child of the three, to Wartortle. Whispering in awe how pretty she was, the girl came closer. Wartortle seemed pleased in her vain way that someone finally appreciated her beauty and let herself be admired and petted. Her tail was especially a huge success since Wartortle had taken excellent care of it. It was silky soft and shone like silver.

Smiling, Isabelle turned her attention back to the food, deciding that neither her Pokémon nor the children would be harmed.

Screaming, however, made Izzy turn around. It was the mother who screamed and the father swiftly gathered his children. Within a minute, the family left running. Pidgeotto looked confused, Wartortle was insulted, and Ivysaur looked especially heart-broken.

Trying to find out what the cause was of the blind panic, Isabelle approached with the bowls of food. There, she saw it. On the table the family had been sitting near, a flock of birds descended. Four Pidgey and a Spearow.

Spearow were normally ill-mannered birds. To see one with a flock of Pidgey was surprising, to say the least. The Pidgey, however, seemed to fully accept the Spearow as one of them. They stood together and chattered as if they could understand each other.

Pidgeotto, being his courageous, bold self, approached the Pidgey and Spearow. They spoke for a moment before Pidgeotto nodded his head towards the Spearow. Apparently, it was good. He was one of them, however strange it may sound.

Then the Spearow flew off, allowing Isabelle and her Pokémon to eat lunch. When everyone was nearly done eating, Isabelle started to pack her backpack again. Some berry bushes were nearby and so Izzy wanted to count how much of everything she had. She definitely needed berries that could cure poison. Pecha berries, for example. Those soft, sweet, pink berries. Berries like ... exactly that one. A berry had appeared in front of Izzy's backpack. A Pecha berry, conveniently. Looking up, the Spearow was there.

"Did you bring me this? Thank you! Are there more?" Isabelle asked kindly, causing Spearow to fly off right away. While Spearow was gone, she opened her berry case to store the Pecha berry away. One more case of poison she could cure. Besides, many Pokémon seemed to love these.

Spearow, and even the Pidgey, came back with more berries. Spearow carried another Pecha while the Pidgey had Cheri berries which cured paralysis. Useful when working with electric types.

"Come on, you guys," Isabelle called out to her Pokémon. "Let's follow them. I need these berries." Izzy rubbed the Spearow over its rough, brown plumage. "Thank you, Spearow. You're a star. Keep up the good work." In a tender moment, the Spearow rubbed its head against her hand. She could see this Spearow being either an amazing Pokémon for someone one day, someone who'd just stand still and look at the actual Pokémon instead of generalising it, or being here, leading the Pidgey since Spearow fully evolves sooner than Pidgey do.

Nurse Isabelle and the Kanto Pokédex: the Diary of a Travelling NurseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora