Chapter 4|| "Daniel James Howell"

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4th update: November 14th



She really did care about me. I was wrong and I feel terrible for blaming her on it. Maybe she isn't like the rest. Maybe I was overreacting.

"Dan come on!" Y/N snaps me out of my thoughts as she starts the game.

"Oh, sorry!" I let out a nervous laughter and tighten my Wii remote around my wrist. The last thing I would want to happen is my Wii remote flying off my wrist and into her TV screen.

No accidents.

The song starts, and i'm already losing. Y/N is on a role though. She's getting all the moves down perfectly while i'm struggling. There is a part where we have to walk around eachother in a circle while shaking our remotes, so we do. But unfortunetly for me, I trip over my own feet and fall right onto my stomach.

I hear a laugh come from Y/N as she keeps dancing. I laugh a little too, trying to brush it off. I stand up and continue.

"Looks like you're losing, Dan," Y/N chimes. "that's a shame, isn't it?" she laughs.

I bite my lip hard as we swing our arms in a circle motion.

"Yeah it is," I agree. "But you've obviously played this like 20 thousand times." I roll my eyes.

"Actually, i've played this like 16 times." she corrects me while grinning.

"Oh, my bad," I smirk as I see that i'm catching up to her. "but guess who's catching up?"

"You still suck." she laughs.

"Okay but what if I beat you?" I ask.

"Then you can have my whole box of Lukcy Charms."

"WOAH REALLY?!" I practically scream.

"Yeah," she says. "but don't get your hopes up, Howell. Because i'm going to win. Oh look! here comes the big points!" she cries as she points to the screen. The big part was the swinging motion of the arm again, so I knew I had this one in the bag.

It was possibly the easiest move in the whole dance. I'm totally gonna win this.

The move comes up, and I quickly swing my arm to the side as hard as I can, waiting for the "great!" box to appear next to my name indicating that I had got the points and won the game. But unfortunetly, the only thing I had gotten was a loud scream as I had accidently punched Y/N in the face with my Wii remote.

What the hell, Dan? How could you mess up that bad?

Y/N was laying on the floor with her hand covering her one eye. My eyes widen, and I immedietly bend down to pull her up off the ground.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath. I sit her down on the couch and quickly run into the kitchen to get a baggie of ice. I run back to her quickly, and kneel down infront of her.

"Here," I say softly. "gently set this against your eye."

Y/N places the baggie of ice against her eye
and I sit back awkwardly.

After a few minutes of silence, I finally say something.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hit you in the face I just really wanted the points and-"

"Dan," Y/N laughs. "It's all good...chill mate."

I breathe out a sigh of releif and laugh slightly at how protective I was being.

"Sorry..." I repeat again, and catch myself apologizing again."s-sorry for that too...that one too-dammit." I mutter. Y/N laughs a little, and stands up. I stand up quickly to stop her.

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