"We're not quite ready yet. We'll walk it's not far" I said. "But thanks for the offer" I went back to the bed and picked up my uniform. "You can get ready in here and I'll take the bathroom" I smiled and gave Caelan a quick kiss on the cheek before skipping into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped off my clothes before stepping inside and letting the hot water run over me.

After a few minutes I got out and dried myself off with a towel. I brushed my teeth and looked in the mirror. My lips were slightly pinker and my hair was a mess. I sighed and pulled on a white shirt, short black skater skirt, black tights and a red,  purple and black tie. I threw the blazer over my shoulder and walked back to my room. "Can I come in?" I asked.

"I guess" Caelan answered. I walked in and saw him standing with his shirt unbuttoned and his tie hanging around his neck undone. "I dont understand how this works" he said frustrated as he flapped the tie about.

I giggled and walked over to him. "Give me it here" I said and started to tie it. I was about to tighten ut when I realized he still hadnt buttoned his shirt up. I dropped the tie and started buttoning his shirt. I tried not to look at his bare chest and he watched me with amusement. I finally allowed myself to look and I raised an eyebrow. "Are all pirates this good looking?" I asked. "If so, we need to go back to Neverland as soon as possible" I giggled and he chuckled.

"We've got to be. To fit in with the princes back at school" he smiled and I laughed. "Fair enough" I said.

"We're already late" I said as I tightened his tie and pulled down his collar. I slipped on my blazer and handed him his. "We should get going"

"Isn't your teacher going to be angry if you're late?" Caelan asked as he left the room with me at his heels.

"I dont think I've ever been on time to class" I laughed. "Well maybe I have been once or twice"

He chuckled. I ran down the stairs and saw 2 school bags. I picked up one and handed it to Caelan and put the other on my back. I smiled and we left the house. We walked the 5 minute path to the school in silence. Apart from the few jokes about Mason that morning. I ran into the building and Caelan ran after me. I didn't want to be too late. I stopped suddenly and Caelan ran into the back of me. I fell forward but he caught me before I fell. "I have no clue what class we have right now" I laughed.

Caelan laughed. "What are we going to do?"

"We're going to look in every class until I see someone I recognise" I said shrugging and started down the corridor.

Luckily we were only a few doors away from our class. I looked through the glass door and saw Ethan. He looked bored. He should be. We were in English. "In here" I said to Caelan and I opened the door.

I hoped that the teacher wouldn't notice but almost instantly her head snapped to the door. "Miss Peters. Mr Smee. Late on your first day" she snapped.

"Yes Miss Graystone. And it's Jones" I smiled at her and walked to the back of the class. I sat down and threw my bag down. Caelan shrugged and sat beside me. I smiled at him and he grinned.

I looked up and saw Lexi glaring at me at the corner of my eye. I shrugged at her and she stood up. "Miss Mark. Please sit down" Lexi groaned and sat down.

Miss Graystone stood and smiled. "Well today class we have some people who are going to tell some stories. In this class we have not one. Not two. But 4 people who were taken last week. Plus one who was taken from somewhere else" Caelan frowned at me and I groaned. "And today they're going to tell us about what happened. But first does anyone have any questions before we start?"

I groaned again and took off my blazer. The girl next to me, I think her name is Candice, took one look at my arms and her hand shot up. "Yes Candice?" Miss Graystone asked.

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