"How are you feeling?"

"I already told you, I'm fine, it was just a cut," I answered with a sigh, but Reece shook his head.

"I'm not taking about the cut stupid," he told me, while raising my chin so I was looking directly into his eyes. My heart was beating loudly in my chest at the way he was looking so intensely at me and I probably could stare at him for a little longer. But it all got ruined when he continued talking.

"You know I would have taken you away from that room if I knew that he would come. I didn't want you to know about him that way," Reece said and I froze. Reece saw it probably the way like he would have done me a favor, but it was the complete opposite.

"You knew he was alive?" I croaked out after I found m yvoice again, pulling immediately away from him.

Reece didn't need to answer that because the way he was looking at me said it all.

"Wow," I then spit sarcastically. "It seems like everybody thinks that they know what is best for me and to top that, they all know more about me and my life than I do."

"Celia," Reece tried to say, though I interrupted him abruptly with raising a finger in front of his face.

"Don't even try it Reece! What do you else kept from me? Do I have another brother or was my whole life a lie? Don't even answer that because right now I don't want to hear it. After all you are not better than any of them."

Hurt flashed through his eyes, but I didn't care. This time I wouldn't apologize, because there was nothing to apologize for, it was just the truth. And with that I left him, running out of the room, almost colliding with Juliette on my way.

She only took a short look at me and then mentioned me to follow her, even if I didn't want to talk to her right now, I knew it was the best thing to just follow her.

Our walk was short and soon I found myself again in one of the chairs in her office. She was like always sitting directly opposite of me. From the explosion she had a cut on her head, which was taken care of by a bandage. But all in all she was fine and looking like nothing had happened to her. She also didn't waste much time to get to the topic.

"I know that you probably have hundreds of questions," she started and I mumbled, "More thousands," bitterly, which she gave me a stern look for interrupting her, but I ignored it. I wasn't in the mood. Sometimes even I had to ignore, who she was.

"Well, after all that happened and the way Thomas was talking, I think he is going to come back. Or do you prefer if I call him your father?" she surprisingly asked me. I shook my head. Thomas was alright and I think I was going to call him that after now. It was better than to remember myself every time that this guy was my dad.

"And I also think you are not ready to take him down yet," she continued, watching me carefully. "Because when he appears again Celia, we are going to capture him for all the crimes he made in the past and will probably make in the future. Do you understand me?" she asked me seriously, and I took a moment to process everything she just told me.

They wanted to get him. He was one of the bad ones and maybe even a murderer, remembering my other aunt.

"I do, but what do you want me to do then?" I asked her.

"Listen, I want you to be aware that he is the bad guy and that you always should help us to capture him. But you also have to forget that you are related to him because that could get in your way. And so we can maybe find out where your mother is," she added, and I thought about her. The way she wanted to warn and help me. I also wanted to help her, so I had to put her before my father, which wasn't difficult at all.

"It won't come into my way. He isn't my father in the first place. He is just one of the reason I exist, when he made love to my mother," I told Juliette, who seemed pleased by my answer.

"Good and for that you need to learn now, how to use your powers, because they could be an amazing use to help us to get him and Haley. And for that I think it is the best if you leave."

"What?" I immediately screamed out, startled by her suggestion.

"Calm down, calm down. I don't want you to leave forever and I'm not letting you get lost in this world. I will send you after this school year to another enterprise, where they train super humans," she told me.

"There are others?"

She laughed slightly at my dumbfounded face. "Of course. Super humans live all over the world and try to keep the world a better place. So what do you think about it?" she asked me and I didn't think she really asked me for permission, she just did as an act of courtesy.

"Do I even have a choice?"

"No," Juliette smiled at me and I mumbled, "Of course not" under my breath. But in the end maybe it was for the best, to get away from anybody and anything here for a while. Though I had to tell Lily something, she wouldn't let me leave without an explanation.

Like she somehow read my mind, the woman talked about her. But again how could I forget. Juliette was a super human too and her ability had something to do with reading someones mind.

"We will come up with something to tell her. But you know I never knew that your parents had another daughter," she said, and I made a confused face at that.

"Another daughter? What are you talking about?" I questioned, not understanding anything.

"I didn't get it at first, but now it all made sense to me. It also took quiet a while to get all information and put them together. I wanted to tell you, but then the accident with Haley happened and about the rest you already know." She made a short pause before continuing and tilt forward so I could hear her even clearer.

"You know her under the name Lily, but that isn't her real. Your real aunt Lily died years ago and I'm a hundred percent sure of that, because I saw her that day. The woman, who you thought was her is in reality your older sister."

And like every time when I thought it couldn't get any worse, something like that happened.

--End book one--

This is it guys and I couldn't be more excited, because this is the first book I have ever finished writing and it was quiet a journey. It took over a year to write it and I wanted to thank each one of you, who wrote comments and voted for my story!! Because they helped me to keep going and some also inspired me what to write. And of course I couldn't leave you with that ending. You probably already guessed it, there is going to be a sequel and I'm already working on it. So it wont be long, when I will post the plot and the first chapter. I will also announce it in this book, so look out for that.Celia's story isn't finished yet and I hope you will like it as much as this one. So till next time and like always have a beautiful day! 

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