Jess's body shifted toward me as I stood there frozen, paralyzed in disbelief. Her eyes glossy with remorse, "I'm sorry, Olivia."

The Masked Murderer had returned, prowling once more, and this time, his atrocities were more horrifying than ever.

News outlets reported that he had claimed the lives of seven women so far, all between the ages of twenty-four and thirty. Their bodies were found mutilated, with organs and limbs severed and callously placed beside their lifeless bodies. Across the state, dead bodies were being unearthed in different locales, some unsettlingly close to Gavelston, the small town that Charles and I called home.

The next morning, I went over to my parent's house because they were concerned for my safety and wanted to talk with me. Mom suggested I get help from the police, and Dad had an outrageous idea: he thought I should move to another state.

"Dad, I'm not throwing my whole life away and moving out of state. I refuse to let a deranged, psychotic killer chase me away," I protested at my Dad's suggestion while I sat at the dining room table with both of my parents.

"This is terrible. The police must do something!" Mom started, fear evident in her voice, "The police have to catch him. Why can't they catch him?" Mom asked, turning her head towards Dad as she cupped her hands around her coffee cup.

"Darling, they'll catch him soon enough," Dad responded.

"Olivia, you know you can stay here if you need to," Mom said concerningly, taking quick sips of her coffee. She looked at me, her eyes peering graciously into mine. I could feel the sadness and empathy she was expressing for me.

"Mom, I'll be fine. Charles hasn't worked much overtime lately, so he's been home every night this week with me,"

"That's good. That's what we want to hear," Dad forced a half smile.

My parents were so old-fashioned. Charles was old-fashioned too, that's why my parents liked him so much. They didn't quite like the fact that we shacked up, though. They thought we should've waited until after we got married. Ideally, we would've waited, but after the kidnapping ordeal and being that I'm a petite, twenty-four-year-old, I didn't feel safe living all by myself.

My phone beeped, alerting me to a text message. I glanced down as I clutched the phone in my hand.

Incoming Message: Charles

Reading the message, it was Charles informing me that he'd be home in a few hours after he finished helping his brother, Nathan, put up a new fence around a client's house. Nathan worked as a contractor and did odd jobs here and there. Sometimes, Charles would offer his help if Nathan was shorthanded.

Since Charles wouldn't be home until later, that left me some free time to run a few errands while the sun's rays were still beaming outside.

"Mom, Dad, I'll see you two later." I announced, "I've got to run a few errands before Charles gets home," I said, giving both of my parents a goodbye hug.

"You be safe out there." Dad patted my back as I opened the door and stepped outside.

"Thanks, Dad. I'll be safe as I can be." I forced a smile and waved goodbye.

The thought of the Masked Murderer striking again scared the living daylights out of me, but I didn't want my parents to know that.

As soon as I hopped in my car, I pulled out my phone and opened the Pandora app. Connecting it to my Bluetooth, the musical tones filled the car, providing a welcoming distraction from the plaguing sadistic thoughts of the Masked Murderer.

I enjoyed the drive down the country road, admiring the trees and cornfields as I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, syncing with the beats of the music. While Charles enjoyed living in rural Texas, I wasn't as fond of it. It felt too isolated, far from most conveniences. Even the grocery store was a good thirty minutes away. Although I appreciated the few mom-and-pop eateries and the country-themed bar nearby, I still felt like we lived too far out.

The Masked MurdererOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant