Chapter 6

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There are times you want to be caught doing some stuff because you want to rebel or you wanna intimidate some kind of people. It may also be that through such, you get that popularity you have always wanted.

There are times you never want to be caught doing certain things because the implications are you usually what you can't face. You never want to be caught doing some stuff because you just can't stand the outcome.

This is one of those times I never wished to be caught doing this. I would do all it takes to withdraw this but the person standing at the door with mouth hanging open tells me its no illusion.

It was Wendy.

I was damn shocked. What the hell was she doing here, and how did she know I was here?

She was rooted in shock and that was when it hit me. Carter was still holding my hands and we were just separated by an inch of space.

I withdrew my hand immediately from Carter and shrugged him off of me. I pushed myself back unto the bed, in the process kicking Carter in the jaw.

Carter tumbled backwards and off the chair with the chair falling on him and he let out a painful groan.

Strong, huh!

"Its not what you think Wendy" I turned immediately to her, feverishly speaking. After all I knew what kind of friend I had.

She had this kind of revolting smirk on her face which says she had a full blown gist right in her palm.

"Did I say anything?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip.

I snorted."You don't have to say anything. Your body says it all"

I looked at Carter who was still groaning on the floor. He pulled off the chair off him and threw it to a corner, making some things crash.

I turned to where he threw the chair. The chair had hit a mini table where the nurse had a stack of books. The books scattered and tumbled to the ground, flying open.

Oh no! What has Carter done?

A glass wobbled on the table and any second it was going to fall also. Which means its gonna break.

I jumped out of the bed and rushed to the table just as Carter stood and Wendy screamed.

I hurried my legs over but before I could get there,


The glass fell unto the tiled ground and crashed into tiny pieces. I had just gotten to the broken pieces when I slipped and fell.

I closed my eyes to the impact as I hit the ground and my body throbbed.

"You are bleeding" I heard Wendy screamed just as feets hurried to me.

I opened my eyes and saw that a part of my arm had been gashed by a piece of the glass, which was still stuck in my hand, blood trickling down my arm.

The pain started to rush in me and I wanted to pull out the piece.

Wendy and Carter knelt beside me. Carter swooped me in his arms, rushing me to the bed, he dropped me unto it. Wendy was at his heels and almost bumped into his back.

"What do we do Carter?" Wendy asked, her body shaking furiously.

The pain in my hand was more than I could bear.

"Carter, remove this damn thing that is stuck in me" I said, trying to remove the piece.

Carter bent towards my harm and caressed it. He pulled at the piece, trying to get it out.

"Its hurting her Carter" Wendy said fearfully.

"I am trying my best" Carter replied.

"You caused it" I poked Carter in the chest.

"Maybe" Carter continued pulling at it, even as it hurt me.

Successfully, he pulled it out and threw it to the ground where the others were.

I tried sitting up so I could see my arm but Carter pushed me back.

"We are not done yet. You are bleeding and I have to fix this".

" Should I go search for the nurse?" Wendy asked, still shaking.

"Obviously No. Do you want to get us into trouble?" Carter snapped back

"You started it, so don't blame me for trying to help" Wendy shouted, pointing her fingers at him.

Carter stood up and faced her.

"I know, huh Wendy. I know you are trying to help but that would jeopardize our safety. Do you think the nurse is going to pat us on the back and say "well-done, you all did well"? Just try to think of that and let me fix this."

Wendy's face sobered as she stared at me. She nodded and Carter turned back to me and bent down.

"So what can I do to help?" She asked.

"You can help by searching through the nurse cupboard for the care kit".

" Can you guys like, be fast. Its painful." I said.

Wendy rushed away while Carter just smiled at me. I still wanted to slap him though.

Wendy appeared right back handing the kit to Carter. He opened it and started. He brought out tissue and started cleaning the blood on my hand.

I watched as he did it like a pro, his face in full concentration as sweat collected on his forehead.

Wendy was handing him whatever he needed. She looked at me from time to time with concern. I smiled to ease her fear but it was still painful.

"All done" . As soon as Carter said that, I broke into a smile and almost hugged him but I reminded myself that I hated him.

Wendy's face broke into a grin as she bent towards me and hugged me. I hugged her back and we broke into laughter.

Carter re arranged the kit and returned it into the cupboard. He came back to the bed and watched us. Wendy stopped hugging me and stepped back.

I tried standing up and sat myself well when the door flew open.

"Oh my goodness....what have we here?"

The Nurse!!!!!

That is another chappie for you hungry dazzlers. Watcha think bout' it?. Did I satisfy you?? Am I getting better?. Let me know by you hitting the vote and commenting. That would make my day better.

Good bye Dazzlers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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