The drive to the Sweepers

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       Waking up handcuffed in the back of a car I could hear arguing in the front seat. The smell of smoke drifting from the front seat burning my nose. My brother asleep next to me drooling on himself.
        I could tell we were in an old car, but couldn't see anything out the windows which were blacked out. It must still be night if no light is coming through. We must be far from the city.    
       The two men (I could tell by their voices) in the front seat were talking calmly to eachother as if they hadn't just kidnapped us. It made me mad just to think about how calm they were, but I stayed silent.
       "The sweepers aren't very good with kids her age," one man stated to the other. "We should just leave her out in the woods to die."
        At the name "sweepers" I jumped. Everyone knew that sweepers erased your mind and can change the way your brain functions. Its all part of the war. The sweepers were created to help us confuse and make our enemies incapable of functioning properly. Clearing easy victory, but when they were unleashed....    the world went to ruin. Enemies became allies and our top generals and scientists made a sort of peace with the sweepers and were able to bend them back into their will. If a sweeper wiped my brothers mind then he wouldn't remember anything.
       Looking over I saw a guy with a large tatoo of a hawk on his arm holding a pistol at the side of my brothers head.
       He looked at me straight in the eyes and shouted to the front seat "Yo Mikey, you got yourself an early bird."
       "Can't be having any of that now can we," said the guy in the passenger seat. He dug through the glovebox of the car and pulled out a white cloth. Reaching over he clamped his hand down on my mouth and the other on the back of my head. I struggled for the slightest second before the world faded away.

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