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              I slip on my dark blue rain jacket and run out into the storm. The rain felt as big and heavy as bullets down my neck. I run in the direction Bill had run earlier today. I don't care about him. No, I shouldn't care what happened to him. But for some reason I couldn't get his helpless good for nothing face out of my mind. The wind wiped through the trees, rain was lessoned some by the trees cover. I run down what could be a path, looking for any sign of tracks or anything. I come to a tree with a broken branch closer to eye level. I stop to examine it. Bill could have gotten this stuck on his clothes earlier. Upon closer inspection I could see tiny black threads. I change course to follow the broken branches.

I know Bill was in a hurry but why all the damage? He couldn't have been being chased by something could he? I run faster down the path Bill had made through the trees. After going in circles for what felt like hours, I stopped to catch my breath. Bill you good for nothing demon where the hell are you? I was just about to turn around and go back when I heard a soft cry. "Please anyone I'm really lost!" I turn my head around. The voice sounded like a little kid. Why is a kid in the forest alone? "Are you okay!?" I shout towards the voice, no reply. I sigh and start walking towards where the voice had come from. I don't even know what's going on anymore.

I could hear twigs on the ground snapping and shuffling feet. A loud crashing noise rang through the trees followed by the crackle of thunder. I run towards the where the noise had come from and came to a small steep hill. At the bottom passed out was a small boy with golden hair. first Mabel then Bill now this! I slide down the wet and muddy hill to get a better look at the boy. His golden hair was matted with mud, and his face was covered in scratches so were his arms, legs and bare feet. The only thing the boy had on was a ripped up black T-shirt. How could this little kid make it into and around the forest on his own. I pick him up a cradle him in my arms. He shivers in my arms. Just from holing him I could tell his body temperature was way too low. I unzip my jacket and wrap it around the boy, exposing my gray under mostly dry undershirt to the rain. I start making my way back the way I came. Bill will have to wait this kid needs me.

(Time Jump Shack)

I lay the boy down on the recliner and set the heater next to him. Where did this kid come from? His shivers lessoned untill he slept peacefully. I glance at the clock. I don't want to wake him up now it's too late. I run up stairs and fill a bath with warm water. I come back down and pick up the dirty boy. I gently laid him in the water and rested his head on a towel. I pulled the dirty shirt off and threw it into the trash can. I start working on cleaning the mud out of his hair careful not to put his face underwater. There's to many questions and not enough anwsers. What am I going to do about Mabel. If Bill ran off, then I'll have to figure out what I'm going to do. I start washing his arms and getting a better look at his deeper scraches. His left hand was in a tight fist. I tryed to pry his hand open but with no luck. Wow one strong little kid.

I lift him out of the tub and sit him up agents the wall of the tub. I grab a clean towel and dry his hair and body. I grab Mabel's towel and wrap him up. I hope he's okay. I walk in to my room and set him down on the bed. I grab an old school shirt and a pair of Mabel's old short she a trown in their while doing lawndry. I put the clothes on the kid and tucked him into my bed. I turn the light off and sit down on the floor by my bed. I try to keep my head up but the stress and adrenlin from the day's events had finnaly worn off and I a hard time keeping my eyes open. After a few minutes I gave into sleep.

Light from my window light of the room. I open my eyes and sit up. Why am I on the floor? I turn to look at my bed to see the boy had woken up. He looked around a look of shock on his small face. I turn all the way around and kneel next to him. "Are you okay?" I asked softly but the boy still jumped. "Why we're you in the forest on your own?" The boy slowly shook his head. "Do you remember what you we're doing?" The boy shook his head. "Okay, then let's try something easy." He looked at me with big frightened eyes. I smiled. "My name is Dipper. What's your name?" The boy pressed his lips toagther to scrunched up his face in consuntration. He looked up at me. "Your names not Dipper." I laughed a little shocked. "No it's not my givin name but thats what people call me." The boy smiled. "Now what's your name?"

The boys smile widdened and he began telling me small things about myself, Like that I liked hiking and I have a sister. Stuff he could have guessed by looking around my room. "And you have a crush on someone!" The boy finnished. The more he talked the more brave he got, until he didn't even look like the boy that had woken up in the bed. I rubbed the blush from my face. "I don't have any crushes but thats not the point. What is your name or what can I call you?" I the smile slipped from his face and he pulled his knees up to his chest. "Okay so you don't remember you name that's okay." He looked up at me. " I'll just call you kid for the time being, until you remember what your name is." The boy smiled. "Do you want some food?" The boy eagerly nodded and slipped out of the bed.



So i've been rereading the book and I kind of think it sucks but i'll keep writing it if you guys want more. I have big plans for this story but if no one reads it then there's really no point. So please let me know if you entend on reading the whole thing. It will only take one person who likes it to keep it going.

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