Little problem

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(Dippers POV)(Time jump Breakfast)

Why the heck were you in my bed Bill?! I glare at him expecting him to yell back. He rubs his neck with a slight blush. Bill! say something. Bill looks out the window and crosses his arms. Mabel puts her hand on my shoulder. Can I talk to you Dipper? She pulls me into the living room. What Mabel? I exclaim. She looks at me straight in the eyes. Dipper I don't think Bill meant anything by it. She whispered. What do you mean by that? Shhh. she puts her finger to her lips. All I'm saying is that Bill is like a little kid right now. he's never had to deal with out extreme ranges of emotion. Don't me you taking his side! I scoff. No I'm not on anyone's side it's just Bills just as confused as you and I are so there's no need to yell at him. Mabel he's a demon I'm sure he's just acting so we let our guard down. Mabel laughs. You this that the all-powerful Bill would make himself seem weak. Mabel is over taken with laughter. I cross my arms and wait for her to stop. She takes deep breaths and stands strait. Just give him a chance will you? Now it's my turn to laugh, I'm not giving a demon a chance.

(Mabel's POV)

Dipper storms off out of the room into the gift shop. I could hear the beeping noises of the snack machine. I sigh. Mabey Dipper just needs more time to realize that about Bill. I walk back into the kitchen. Bill was sitting at the table resting his head on his crossed arms. I walk over to the stove and start cooking some eggs. Bill looks up where's PineTree? His didn't have his normal arrogance, instead it was as if Bill was a kid who had just gotten in trouble. He's fuming in Great Uncle Fords lab. Oh, Bill lays his head back on his arms. I scoop the eggs onto three plates and butter some toast. After the plates are ready I place one of them in front of Bill. I sit down across from him. I pick up my fork and take a bite of the eggs. Bill eat your food. I command. Not hungry. he mumbles as his stomach growls. Bill! I raise my voice a little. He looks at me with sad eyes. I smile and bat his head. I have to go pick up some stuff from the store if you eat your breakfast I will bring you with me. He perks up and starts shoveling food into his mouth.

After I clean up the plates I walk into the living room. Bill jumps up from his chair. Time to go Shooting Star? I look at him and laugh a little. not quite yet first you need some new clothes. He was still wearing the white grass stained shirt he came here in and Dippers old sweats. I go and grab a pair of Dippers jeans and a black t-shirt. I throw them at Bill, he catches them. I point to the bath room. Now go and change so we can go. I sat on the recliner and waited for Bill to come back. Ten minutes later Bill walks in wearing the black T and jeans. I grab him and plop him onto the ground. What the heck Shooting Star? He exclaims. I grab my hair brush to brush his hair. He stood up and he looked like a normal teenager, Well a normal teenager with golden eyes and half back half blond hair.

We walk the long way to town in silence. When I could see the town I turn to Bill. No causing trouble for me or you won't get to come again. He nods with a worry some grin. It was still early so not a lot of people are out. Bill walk behind me with his hands in his pockets. We reach the Grocery store and go in. I grab a cart and Bill looks around in wonder. Bill come on I sigh. He nods and grabs the side of the cart and looks around. I walk down the aisle grabbing random food and treats. I stand on my toes to reach for a box of animal crackers at the top of a shelf. Bills hand grabs the box and hands it to me. I look at him and suddenly realize how tall he is. He is taller than me but I haven't grown since I was a sophomore in high school. Bill you must me six foot at least. I exclaim. Yeah I guess I don't now my height in this form. Well in out would you're a good height for a boy. Okay... He suddenly turns as if someone tapped him. Are you okay Bill? Yeah Yeah just fine, he mumbles. I sigh and continue down the aisle with Bill still holding onto the cart.

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