"Justin doesn't know." I say.

"He's going to." My father says.

"What am I missing?" Chloe asks but we ignore her once more.

"I don't know what I want to do." I say.

"Why wouldn't you want to?" My father asks.

"Tour... that means I would be away for a long time. And what if Justin doesn't want to see me? What if he is mad I didn't follow him to the US when he left." I say.

"What the hell am I missing?" Chloe asks again throwing her arms in the air frustrated.

"Taylor and Zack used to go to school with Justin before he was famous and he was so in love with Taylor." My mother explains to Chloe.

"JUSTIN BIEBER WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU?" Chloe takes my shoulders by her hands and starts shaking me.

"A long time ago!" I say.

"It was only 2 years ago." My father says shrugging.

"You have to go." Chloe says.

"I don't know." I say biting my lip, conflicted.

"Tay, this is what you love to do. We can all clearly see that school isn't working out and maybe this is what you are meant to do. After all, you are a national champion." My mother says. "Remember how heartbroken you were when he left? This is a second chance!"

"I'll think about it." I say and take the letter from Chloe.

If you decide to come, please prepare a song and dance to show our other members of the tour as well as Justin your skills. This will not affect your chances of being on the tour, you have a spot if you decide to take it, but we would like to show the other members just how great you are. We are beyond impressed by your dance skills and would be honored to have you on tour. We hope to see you there!

At the bottom of the letter it had Nick DeMoura's signature.

* * *

After thinking about it for some time, I decide to take the spot on the tour. I love to dance, and this is an opportunity of a lifetime. So, I dropped out of school and spent the 2 weeks I had before auditions preparing a routine. By the time auditions came, I was more than ready to show them what I got.

Upon my arrival, I walk into the building where they had a woman sitting at a table with a check list.

"Name?" She asks softly.

"Taylor Palmer." I say.

"Oh, follow me my dear, they have a special place for you to wait. Congratulations on the big win, by the way." She says sweetly.

"Thank you." I say kindly.

"It may be a long wait, but help yourself to what's here." She says and then left me to myself in the room.

I decide to stretch while waiting and after 2 hours, the same woman finally tells me they are ready to see me. My heart begins pounding as I follow her into a room. My palms become sweaty as I think about the last time I saw Justin, when he told me he loved me. When I make it to the room there is a long table of people waiting, with one empty spot. It is Justin's.

Nick stands as I walk in and walks around the table to greet me.

"What a pleasure it is to meet you." He says beaming. "I watched you danced at championships, and wow...you are an insanely talented girl. Have you made a decision?"

"Yeah, I have decided to join you guys. Thank you for the opportunity, I wouldn't trade it for the world." I return his smile with my own.

"Of course, we are honored to-" Nick stops being interrupted.

"HAHAHAHAHA." I hear a familiar laugh coming from the room over. It is Justins cute, loud laugh. A few seconds after the laugh, he followed it with "WOOOOOOO." Something he has done since high school.

"JUSTIN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE." Nick says slightly laughing.

"Sorry about that, he is still a child. Anyway, the pleasure is ours." Nick says.

"Guys, I would like to welcome a new member of the purpose tour crew-" He tries to finish but Justin walks in through a door in the back of the room.

"Taylor?" He interrupts. My eyes dart over to him. Damn he's hot.

"Hi, Justin." I say shyly.

"Holy shit" He paused, his eyes staring at me. "W-what are you doing here? Are you? Are you auditioning?" He stumbles over his words dumfounded.

"You two know each other?" Nick interrupts.

"Yeah, I" He paused again not removing his eyes from my own."I went to school with her." Justin turns to Nick.

"Wait is this Taylor as in Taylor from high school?" Nick asks slowly.

"Yes." Justin says returning his gaze to me. "What are you doing here?"

"I won the National Championships and Nick was in the audience and recruited me, I am on the tour now." I say quietly.

"You won the Championships?" Justin asks and I nod my head.

"She is amazing as I was trying to say before you interrupted me." Nick says.

"I can't believe you are here, I thought I would never see you again." Justin says shaking his head laughing. His smile, God his smile.

"Can we let her dance now?" Nick asks and Justin laughs.

"Show em what you got Tay." Justin says and walks to his seat.

I popped in my CD and began dancing to Rise by Katy Perry. I nailed it, doing every move swiftly and to my best ability. I only hope it was enough to impress the rest of the crew.

When I finished, the crew all stood, clapping .

"Woooo." Justin says, I told you he is always shouting that.

"Stunning." Nick says.

"Thank you." I laugh and take a bow.

"Can we see more?" A woman on the end asks.

"Show them toxic." Nick says.

I play Toxic and begin dancing the same routine that won me the championship. When I finished, they had the same reaction if not more enthusiastic.

"Welcome to the team Taylor." Nick says.

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