Chapter Two- Big Black Bear

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"Blue and silver eyes? That's a new one" A gruff, yet warm, voice says from somewhere to the left of me. The first thing I noticed was that I was laying on something soft in what looked like the inside of a tent with the morning light helping to wake me quicker. The second thing I see is a rather large man (it was impossible to tell his full height because he was sitting down) with black hair and brown eyes so dark that they might as well have been black. He was looking at me with an emotion I've never seen before, carefully checking my face to see if there was anything wrong, and it didn't seem like he was going to leave me alone any time soon.

Why can't he just leave? I really do not want to explain what happened to me, and why I fainted. Maybe if I give him the worst glare possible he'll leave, I thought, coming up with ways to get this strange man to leave me alone. It might be better for me to just show no emotion, intimidation generally isn't a good tactic when your ten(ish) years old, impossibly skinny, and insanely small, but hey it never hurts to try. With that thought in mind I give the man my best 'go the heck away' glare.

"No, no! Not a bad thing at all, my pretty kittie." He reassured quickly, assuming that I was offended by his earlier comment about my eyes.

Great, just great. Not only am I stuck with him, but he's also can't take a hint. Ah well, maybe showing no emotion will get my point across, I thought, annoyed with the jovial man already. I already have to adjust to being free, and trying to find my own things, I don't want to also have this man everywhere I go, monitoring and watching me.

"Aye. No need to give me the silent treatment." The strange man pouts, bringing me out of my cynical thoughts. It made for an interesting sight, seeing such a wall of a man act like a child. It had about as much of an effect that my glare did, but I most definitely looked cuter.

After about a minute of me staring blankly at him, he awkwardly says, "You know what? I'll come back a bit later and let you rest. Maybe then you'll be willing to talk." He is obviously unused to people not talking or showing any emotion to him with how uncomfortable he was when having a one sided conversation with me.

I can use this to my advantage, reflecting on my newly found weakness of the man's before my plotting was interrupted by a large yawn. Glancing over I spot two small, black rounded ear protruding from his head. But before I could even think about it, sleep consumes me.


I watch as those monsters from the forest approach me. I'm helpless. My frail body can't fight and God knows I'm no use.

Is this my punishment for letting that girl die?

I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I didn't let her save herself! I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to save her! But if you let me die, she will have died for nothing. I have to live for her!

Despite my words, the monsters don't slow down. Anything I say is useless. All that I can do is suffer.

Freedom was just a dream. No such thing can exist for an animal like me.

I accept my fate and let the monster devour me as I scream.


My scream echoes the small room and I jerk myself awake. Trying to calm my pounding heart, and even out my breathing, my throat sore after not using my vocal cords for many years. I'm positive my scream woke every being in a five mile radius, but I don't care about that.

That nightmare was different. What if I start to have this one along with the others now?

I had just gotten use to the first one, and it was beginning to fade, but now this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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