Special Vows

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It was the day of our wedding. I was stood a the entrance to the church. We had gone for a traditional church wedding, as it was the only way to pursued my farther to walk me down the isle. I walked down the isle a little taller than normal on my pure white dress and pure white heals.
I made it down the isle without any issues. When I got to the bottom of the isle all that Ollie could muster was 'Wow!' If made me giggle a little, but then I recomposed myself. We started the ceremony when it got to the time of saying our vows, Ollie went first. 'My Zosia, I can't believe we here building the start of a married life together. I may not have been the man your farther wanted but I can promise I will always love and protect you.' He then slowly slipped the run on my finger. Now it was my turn, I was crying a little bit so quietly sniffed then started talking. 'Ollie please tell me how I ended up with you, you are perfect you protect me and love me. I may have been a mess sometimes but you always helped me through. And I can't wait to start are married journey, just the three of us.' I shakily put the ring on the finger as his jaw dropped to the ground. The vicar then spoke 'does anyone object to this marriage?' I gave my dad a devils look and he just nodded. 'Okay, I may now pronounce you man and wife' I squealed the smallest amount as Ollie kissed all that was going through my head was 'he's mine and my dad can't take him from me' I was brought out my thoughts when Ollie whispered in my ear 'I'm going to be a dad?' I just gave him a little nod. This had been far most one of the happiest days in my life.

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