"Sure," I agreed.

Tanya's fridge was clearly geared up for the party, any signs of food had been shoved into the vegetable drawer and the shelves where nearly empty in anticipation for the drinks her guests would bring with them. I grabbed a couple of bottle of questionable sprits and a carton of pineapple juice, carrying the over to the punch bowl Tanya had set out on the counter. A horrible tasting punch had become a signature of a Tanya house party and I was determined that this one would not disappoint. A wicked smile crept across my lips as I started to pour the contents of the first bottle into the bowl.

"Easy with that one." His voice nearly made me jump.

Matthew walked over and started pouring pineapple juice in the bowl.

"So, I guess you forgot about today," he said softly, keeping his voice low.

"Yes, I did," I breathed, feeling angrier at myself for each time I had to admit it.

"I grabbed your present from home," he continued. I smiled back at him gratefully, at least I had been a good best friend and gotten her a present months ago.

"Did you?"

"Yes, I wrapped it for you," he continued.

"Thank you," I replied softly, grabbing the second bottle and pouring the liquid into the punch bowl.

"It was nice of you to spend the afternoon with her," Matthew continue, implying 'so I didn't have to'.

As I was about to reply he continued, "Instead of spending it with your boyfriend."

I held my tongue, focusing on stirring the punch. What could I say? No he's not my boyfriend. Then why was I hanging out with him? How did I meet him? The last thing I wanted to do was introduce Lucas as my boyfriend to my friends, but what choice did I have?

I stood in the corner of the party, sipping on a glass of horrible punch. I had made the rounds and greeted everyone. I could see Tanya laughing across the room with Matthew and Taylor. I had been surprised when he showed up but given that they work together I get it. What I didn't get was why he hadn't told me he was going. But maybe he had? Clearly I didn't remember this party so maybe he had told me about it and I had just forgotten about it. I swivelled the punch around in the plastic cup before brining it to my lips and downing it. A shiver of cold rushed down my back and I could feel my lips fighting to pull into a grimace. That was rather nasty. I guess I managed to remember how to make horrible punch. I knew this was a party, but nothing about me was exuding a party mood. Perhaps another glass of punch would help with that. I scanned the room, happy that Lucas still hadn't arrived.

The yellow-ish liquid flowed into my cup as I dipped it into the punch bowl. I turned reaching from the kitchen towel to wipe of the cup when my eyes view was blocked by a well manicured hand holding a cotton tissue.

"Really?" I looked up at him.

"Certainly better than the cheap paper one you were reaching for," Lucas countered.

"It's stain," I replied, grabbing the soft fabric tissue from his hand and wiped off my plastic cup. A small part of me was smiling at the irony of using a fabric tissue to dry of a flimsy plastic cup.

"Do you want one?" I raised an eye brow.

"If I have to," his voice told me he felt slightly inconvenienced by having to be here.

"If I am going to be at a human party, I might as well drink a human drink," he muttered underneath his breathe.

"So why did you come?" I asked in a low voice.

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