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I almost felt like changing

The way I look

The way I act


When I moved here

I was scared

And started to change myself for them

You put a stop to that

You told me

You're perfect

You don't need any makeup

Or to change your clothes

You just need to be you

Still I wore makeup

But I was trying too hard

I stopped this for you

Yes I buy new clothes

What teenage girl doesn't

But now I know not to change my style

I know it's okay to buy new things

But not okay to change myself

I learned that someone loves me for the way I am

I decided not to change

I hear all their insults

All their words they say

I cry

I cry myself to sleep

I'm not perfect

I'm not going to deny it

But one thing I do know

Is that if I change myself for them

I loose

I found out that I have someone

Who loves me

They may have left

But at least he came back

If I change myself they win

I loose myself



If I loose myself

I loose it all

So is it worth it?

To change for them

Or do you want to change for yourself?

Don't let them win

Don't ever loose sight of who you are

That's what most people do

The ones that end up hurt and alone

The ones who live with all their pain

The life of the invisibleWhere stories live. Discover now