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I let you see the demons in my soul

Told you how every poem is a part of me

But you laughed it off and told your friends

Saying your reputation is more important than me

I showed you the real me

The one who hides from the spotlight

The one who is never shown but is there

I let myself be real around you

Not the façade I usually am

You said that I'm too person

A freak


Somebody that you're ashamed of


I'm the one who hides myself

Only lets people see a sliver of the real me

My demons are dark and deep

Scarier than the ones who hide under your bed

They are the real me

I may have my demons inside

But they're part of me

The real me

Not the show I have around people

They're part of the real me

And I wouldn't change that for the world

The life of the invisibleWhere stories live. Discover now