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I let the music fill my veins and repair my soul

I used to think before that you were the one who repaired it

Now you're pulling away farther and farther

While before we were so close

Now we're so far apart

Everybody notices but they don't say

And neither do I

You have your reputation to keep

And while I'm still true to you

You're not true to me anymore

You've changed once again

And now you're the one damaging my soul

The one who causes me all those tears

I see my blinking cursor over your page

But now there's nothing more to say

Unless you start

But you won't talk to me anymore

The real you is just a figure of the pass

You're hanging with him

The Playboy

The one who goes through girls faster than dirty laundry

You're changing right before my eyes

And I can't do anything to stop it.

This isn't a fairytale

And everyone has finally taken off

their rose colored glasses and saw the real you

The one who's ripping my soul apart bit by bit

Tear by Tear

Life to Reputation

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