Chapter One: Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't your roommate probably think you're dead? You haven't slept in your own dorm in about a week now." I grinned at Tara as she pulled on her apron for work. She was a manager at the coffee shop on campus and usually took classes in the afternoon and evening so that she could work the morning coffee rush and the wave of tips that came with it.

"Probably, then again she's always got guys over. Every time I go to pick up some damn clothes there's a sock on the door. I swear some people only come to college to fuck." Tara rolled her eyes and took a big bite of my cereal. I grinned and shook my head, grabbing another spoon and taking my own bite.

"Oh because you and London are such a model example of how a couple should be."

"Do you ever have to complain about us being too touchy or mushy or eye-raping each other?


"Then there you have it, my point exactly."

I grinned and just took another swallow of captain crunch.

"How did the movie with Jeff go last night?" Tara questioned and kicked back as I heard London shuffle her way down the hall and go straight to the fridge and straight for her container of orange juice, just like every morning.

I shrugged.

"It was okay...He's just...I don't know...I feel like we really shouldn't keep dragging this out..."

"Then why're you staying?"

"I don't know...He's nice and all still but I just feel like there's something else out there for me."

Tara rolled her green eyes and pulled her fireball hair up into a scrunchy.

"Mimi, you're way too nice."

"It's not like I hate the guy."

"But you don't love him?"


"Then dump him."

"It's not always that simple, Tara." London cut in and looked at me. Her short dark hair was still mangled from sleep but thankfully she'd covered herself in a robe. That was more than I got most mornings when Tara had spent the night. Usually London would rather walk out in her underwear or clean down to her bare skin before putting on some clothes because she'd been too tired after their long night.

"If Naomi doesn't have a liable excuse for leaving him then it just makes her look like a bitch." London turned her light blue eyes on me and grinned.

"Give it another week or two till he screws something up, then you'll have an excuse."

I nodded; that wouldn't be too hard to do. Much as I liked Jeff and as cool and collected as he usually was, he had a temper that could put the devil to shame. He'd never gotten physically violent with me, however in the time I'd known him he'd lost four cell phones, three computers and a TV due to his raging anger.

Tara sighed.

"Mimi I've known you forever; you're too nice with guys. It makes them stick around too long until they have to be the ones to break it off, then you get all mopey and depressed. Do yourself a favor sweetie and end it before it gets out of hand."

I rolled my eyes and rinsed out my now empty bowl.

"Look I gotta bounce; I'm opening today and I'm already running late. Stop by later and I'll get you a latte before you have to head over to Piano Mimi, you're gonna need it."

I turned and met Tara's eyes and knew she understood. She'd known about the nightmares since back in high school when she and I were nearly joined at the hip. I couldn't recall all the evenings she'd slept over and the night ended with her holding me to calm me down because I was in hysterics from the awful images that paraded across my unconscious mind. She knew the only thing that truly helped me out on days where the nightmares got the better of me were my favorite things, which included the mocha ice latte's from the coffee shop with triple shots of espresso.

I grinned.

"Thanks Tara; love you."

"Love you too, Mimi." She smiled, and then stepped over to London who was polishing off another glass of OJ when Tara snuck a kiss on her cheek and slipped past, muttering an 'I love you baby', in her ear.

I checked the time on my watch and realized I should be heading out too. I'd taken my time with getting ready this morning and had relaxed so much I was beginning to run late.

"I actually gotta go too; you okay here?" I asked London who nodded and yawned. It was obvious she was on her way back to bed; her first class didn't start till noon so she had another two hours of sleep left at least.

I waved goodbye and bounded out the door making my way down to the parking lot and my car. Even though living in the dorms had its advantages, my first class was on the other side of campus and I would never make it in time unless I drove.

I threw my books down on my passenger seat and began to pull out when I suddenly got the weird feeling someone was watching me. I slowly turned and looked over my shoulder but the only thing in the parking lot besides me was the big rustling oak tree that sat outside our dorm. I usually got these feelings a lot; as though someone were watching me and keeping pegs on me, however today it felt stronger than usual.

I shook my head; that nightmare must've spooked me more than I'd realized. 

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