Open When, You Need To Know I Love You

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Dear Elijah, 

The distance may be almost 1000 miles
But we are closer than anyone can be,
You've been there since the beginning
Watching me crash and fall
Yet continue to try to tell me
Of where I'm always going wrong.

Maybe today I'll listen to you
Believing that you're actually right -
You were right from the beginning
And are still right till to this day.

There's nothing I've ever wanted more 
Than to be in your arms with you forever,
I didn't realise I was missing anything
Not till I was finally complete with your love.
Its like I've always been floating
Never a reason for anything, but
Then I met you and everything just fits
Making sense of what life's truly for.
I love you Elijah, now, always,
Forever and eternity...

P.S. I love you, MKISA xx


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