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Beware the truth, hold it along,
Never end up being wrong,
You know you're right, don't always prove it,
Forgive and forget, just groove it.

The fire is fierce, the flames can kill,
When lost it already, do as per your will.
Look forward, the present is more than important,
Leave the past, it is rotten.

Achieve,  not all can do that.
You are yourself, not everyone can be that.
The goal isn't just to achieve fame,
The most glittery things are just for name.

Head up always, chin high,
When down never sigh.
You are strong, you well know it,
Have to fight it alone? So be it!

Stay determined for mountains never shake,
When underestimated, prove it fake.
Don't make noise, it leads to deafness,
After achieving, work on its wellness.

Be true, always to yourself,
Love the most always yourself,
Don't imitate when you can be yourself,
Be such, no one can be yourself.

Beware, you know who you are,
Beware, they can't take who you are,
Beware, you're the best the way you are,
Lover yourself just the way you are.

Love what you do, do only what you love,
You're an equal, no one is above!
No one is below, you're again equal,
Can't focus on the present, imagine the sequel.

Live like humans, they can better survive,
Love like a human, you'll come alive.
You have a power within, so beware!
You have that mind, try to be fair.


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