Gabriel hike up his pants a bit before sitting on the steps of the stage. "Castiel, what was the relationship like when you and Michael first met?"

"It was great, we went on dates and things like that. And he would buy me things."

Gabriel nods. "And what is it like now?"

Cas sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Now, he gets really busy, so he can't answer most times when I call or text. We don't really see each other often. But I understand because he works a lot of hours so he's tired when he gets off and I want him to get his rest."

Here and there in the crowd "aww's" are heard.

"So let me sum up what we have so far. Billy and Dean believe that your boyfriend, Michael, is cheating, but you don't. Mainly because he tells you he loves all the time and he works a lot, which would explain why the two of you don't see one another regularly."

Castiel nods.

"Okay, so I'm gonna ask the two of you to leave the stage for a little bit then I'll bring you two back out."

Billy and Castiel walk off stage together with their arms linked.

"Now we're bringing out Dean, the best friend." Gabriel announces to the crowd.

Clapping turns into whistles coming from most of the lady's. The tall, light brown haired, emerald eyed man steps onto the stage.

"I guess today the show is filled with a lot of good looking people." Gabriel jokes as Dean sits.

"How are you, Dean?"

"I'm doin' alright. How about yourself?"

"I can't complain. You're here for your friend Castiel and his situation. What is the relationship between you two?"

Dean wipes his hands on his slacks. "He's my best friend, has been since the tenth grade. I love the guy. When I needed someone to talk too he was always there. It sucks that we're even here having to go through this right now. Cas is one of the last people this should happen to. We seriously shouldn't be here."

"We have Castiel somewhere he can't hear us on the stage right now. Um, I understand that you had something you wanted to tell him that he doesn't know." Gabriel takes a seat beside Dean.

"Yeah, you're right. Towards the middle of their relationship," Dean sighs, shaking his head, "Michael tried to get with me."

A gasp goes through the crowd at Dean's admission.

"Michael made an advance towards you?"

Dean nods.

"This might seem personal and you don't have to answer, but are you gay also?"

"No, I'm bi."

"So if it were a different setting and Michael wasn't Castiel's boyfriend his advance would've been accepted."

"No, Michael isn't the greatest guy so I didn't like him right off the bat."

Gabriel leans forward a little. "And is that the reason you two fought?"

"No, it isn't."

"Billy told me I should ask you."

Dean runs a hand down his face. "I saw him at a bar with a guy. I wasn't gonna say anything, but then they kissed and I got pissed. So I dragged him outside and had a physical bloody conversation with him. He added blood from his nose, it was the only contribution he had in the conversation."

The crowd laughs at Dean's last statement.

"Does Castiel know about the fight?"

"Yes, he does. But as you can see he's still with him."

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