Chapter 1- A White Cloak and a New Freedom

Start from the beginning

"Here" the girl stated in a tone that left no room for argument. She started unfastening the clip on her hood. "Take my cloak and follow the group of Faunas that you saw going by earlier. Once you reach the water, you'll see a boat is waiting. Go on the boat, and that will take you to the safe place where you'll never have to worry about those bad men again. Okay?" I nodded without hesitation. The girl finished putting the white hood on me and now I could see her clothes were in a little better shape than mine. She had a tattoo of a paw print above her heart. "Now run. Don't look back. I'll be fine." The girl gave a meager smile before standing up and facing our foes.

I followed all of her directions to the letter, not looking back once even when I heard the sickening sound of gunshots and a scream of pain.


"We will be approaching Menagerie in a few hours. Please prepare your things," spoke the Captain, bringing me out of my thoughts. I, of course, didn't have anything except for the clothes on my back and the white hood. I had tried looking for the girl, but after three days of not seeing her on the small boat, I gave up.

I have to face the fact that that girl had risked her life to save mine. It's a pleasant thought that someone cared so much, but I never wanted to be the cause of someone's death. I cried the first nights, but no one bothered to check on the poor pitiful girl.

The first four days were the worst. Everyone was forced to stay in the lower level. I'm not really sure why. I heard some of the other people whispering something about "Faunas Catchers" but that didn't exactly clear things up. All I knew was that we were in danger again. Just when I thought we were finally safe.


At this point, I'm thoroughly miserable with the smell brought on by heat and Faunas marinating in their own body odor. I know that I smelled just as bad as everyone else here, but that doesn't exactly make it any better.

My nose feels like death, I thought one night. It felt like I was starting to lose that sensitivity to all the body odor around me. Needless to say, I'm thankful.

I found some food that someone had dropped. I knew it probably wasn't the best option, but it was better than starving to death. It tasted odd. I had never had anything with that much flavor in my life. It was amazing. So amazing, in fact, that I forgot to pace myself so I could save some for later.

I had been standing by the gate, absent-mindedly counting the planks of wood at my feet, when I heard it was safe again. I took a breath of relief but regretted it because I had taken a gulp of the dirty air surrounding us.

I heard cheers and rushed footsteps out the gate. Everyone was so excited that I could help but smile too.


After I had gotten out of that smelly mess, I began to finally take note of the people surrounding me. All their faces were covered with smiles. But many of their heads had ears on them. I stare until I received some awful glances from a couple of girls with short brown ears. I nervously turn away, looking back out onto the water. Right as I take a breath of fresh air, I fall back, dizzy.

Ah, that's right. I haven't eaten in a while. It doesn't help that I haven't really tried to talk to someone.

I learned long ago that speaking usually ends with getting hurt, so I made it a habit to never speak at all. This is truly the first contact I've had with the outside world in my entire life as far as I know. I'm only ten (I think) and I'm certain that there are some people who would take my lack of knowledge of the world and use it to manipulate me.

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